It hit me

Feb 08, 2009

You know, the last few months, and especially days, I knew that I was going to and did have the surgery done.  I see the incision sites, I feel the pain, I know, but it never really felt real.  It never really hit me that I was going to do this, that I was going to lose weight and feel whole again.  I know that sounds weird to lose something but feel whole, but I am not a whole person right now.  I cannot do things I want because of my weight.  I sat here looking over the site, and started going through all of the before and after pics, and I started to cry.  That is me, I will be looking at my before and after pics some day, and I will be able to tell my story of triumph to others.  That is really me.  I am doing this.  I have been very emotional lately, and  I thought it was just hormones, but it was building up to this moment, this moment when it all became so very real.  I am going to succeed.  I want for people to see my before and after pics and think, wow, she did it., so can I.  I am scared and excited, but mostly I am ready.  I am ready to become the person I know I can be.
1 comment

Thanks...and lessons learned

Feb 08, 2009

I want to thank everyone who answered my first post.  Its great to know I have other sources of support.  I think other that still "feeling" hungry, my biggest issue is learning to slow down at meal time. I have always lived a fast paced life, grabbing food when I can and eating fast.  I did learn my lesson today....that is for sure.   I sat down to eat lunch, feeling starved of course.  I ate a bit too fast, and after about 20 minutes of severe stomach pain, vomited for the first time since my surgery.. I made a promise to myself then to slow it down. Not only in mealtime, but also in moving along.  I seem to want to rush through this journey, and I know each and every day is lived for a reason, and there is always something to learn.    I appreciate all the support here, and maybe one day I'll be the old pro and can help someone else out.

About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 04, 2009
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