Glad to be a LOSER!

Oct 04, 2007

I'm officially 5 months postop and I have lost 73lbs!! I feel great, I can walk long distances and feel energized. I can walk flights of stairs and not get winded - knees still get me evey now and then but not like before - I guess years of carrying excess weight has taken it's toll. I am starting to struggle with getting all my water in. Some days I go back to my old habit of not drinking water all day and at bed time I'm trying my best to drink, drink, drink! I've tried a number of different vitamin, iron, and calcium brands. Boy can this get expensive! But I realize there are no two ways around it, it's a necessary expense

10 wks Post-Op

Jul 17, 2007

WELL! The first two months have been something of a roller coster ride. Surgery went well - not much pain, but that darned med button didn't seem to work. I pushed it with NO relief, so after a while I just gave up and called a nurse. I only saw my surgeon for about 2 minutes during the 2 days that I was there, he promised to stop back but he did make it back. The dietician called the first two days the "juice party", YEAH RIGHT!! MY belly hurt, I was extremely thursty but I could have anything, and when I could it was watered down juice. I was miserable! When I got home it was a few more days of the same. They said not to drink fruit juice because of the calories.... They don't have to worry about me, I can't stand the sight of the stuff!! Liquid phase was also a challenge for me because every shake I made tasted awful! On mother's day I cried. I finally got some pre-prepared shakes and things got a little better. Believe me, I was sooo ready for soft foods. I became very creative with soft foods. Unfortunately, mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs - some of my favorites - did not sit right with my new tummy. I tried my favorite baked salmon and almost dumped each time - I was devastated!


Apr 15, 2007

May 3, 2007, is my day! I really can't believe it's going to happen. I attended my first seminar in Feb., sent my application package in 3 weeks later, Dr. Gandsas called mw at work one week later, played phone tag with the folks in the office for about two weeks to set-up my consult with Dr. gandsas, and had my initial consult on April 10. I was the last patient to be seen for the day. I was expecting that he would give me a surgery date three or four months out. He sat there clicking away at his laptop, sending emails to the team about my surgery and updating my application, and very nonchalantly gave me a date of May 3rd, less than a month away!! I couldn't believe it. He went over the packet which instructed me on setting up all my pre-op appointments and proceedures, and then he gave me a pre-op appointment with him for the 2nd, he answered a few questions, and that was it! I can barely remember making it to my car, I was in shock - in a good way of course. 
I've scheduled all of my appointments and I'm off to ATL for business for a few days. Good thing because I don't think I could make it through the next few weeks without a few distractions. Did I say that I'm NERVOUS!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 15, 2007
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Glad to be a LOSER!
10 wks Post-Op
