my virtual models

Apr 30, 2007

NOW gross!!

Later.. much better


Apr 13, 2007

I went in to meet my new doctor on Tues. the 10th of April.. She told me I should have no problem getting approved, since my BMI is 64 and I sleep apena.  Once approved I have a year wait. That is how long the wait is with Kaiser,

I went in today for blood work..

When I learn more I will update!!

Just a little kick to get going!

Nov 28, 2006

Today is November 29th! I cant believe it is almost December, which means it is almost Christmas Time.. WOOHOO!!

My stomach is killing, I must have ate something that set off my IBS. joy joy joy...

I should know by the end of the December if I got approved for Kaiser, I sure hope I did!

It is snowing here today in lovely Colorado, I'm up early!. I have no idea why!

I go back to school tomorrow, I was on my fall break!

I hope everyone is doing dandy!

About Me
Lakewood, CO
Surgery Date
Nov 23, 2006
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 3
my virtual models
Just a little kick to get going!
