baileymouse 21 years, 4 months ago

Hi Sherrie - That's fantastic news! You are doing so well. May every day be filled with sunshine, even though NJ is full of rain right now, lol. Best wishes!

Sherrie H. 21 years, 5 months ago

Today is my 6 month anniversary! I'm so proud of myself. I am down to 173 from 260 pre-op and I am just 21 pounds away from my goal! I am wearing a size 10/12 compared to a size 22 from my pre-op days. I'd like to encourage all the pre-ops to stay focused and for those who recently had the surgery to stay focused, the weight loss is slow but it is worth the wait!!

Sherrie H. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hey Everyone!!! Sorry it took me so long to post. I am 8 weeks post op and down 43 lbs (YES!!!) I am finally feeling like myself again. I have gone from a size 22 to a size 16. I can't wait to get into a 14 to shop in the misses/junior section. I have to start working out more, I am a little flabby, but no hanging skin. I still don't eat many foods. Would like some ideas on protein if anyone has any. I'm tired of eggs and tuna fish. Does anyone know if we should abstain from popcorn? I love kettle corn and would hate to give it up. My doctor told me that I wouldn't be able to drink soda. Wrong! I tried diet and regular and can drink both. No dumping at all. However, I try to stay away from regular because of the sugar. I'll have a diet every now and then. I still don't eat meat too much. Doesn't agree with me, however I like ground beef - in spaghetti or something like that. I must say that having WLS surgery was the best decision I have every made. Too all the pre-ops, keep the faith, your time will come. I love all of you and will post again soon. - Sherrie

Julie O. 21 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations on your weight loss Sherrie and thanks for sharing your story. Those of us pre-op really appreciate it.

Sherrie H. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hello everyone. I'm 3 weeks post op now and feeling great. I just went back to work part time until I'm 100%. I'm adjusting well to the new me, I'm down 34 pounds in 3 weeks! Can you believe it? My clothes are starting to fall off of me. Have to admit though, that I am not enjoying food. I'm not very hungry and I have to make myself eat. On top of that I really only eat about 8 different foods. Not much of a variety. I'm staying away from meats (except fish) because it is just too much effort to chew. I get tired after a few bites. I see Dr. Kamelgard again on the 27th for a follow-up visit. I'll post more then. Love to everyone!!!! Sherrie

Teresa A. 21 years, 11 months ago

Sherrie, Just wanted to say "WELCOME HOME". I am so glad you are feeling better. Take care and keep us posted. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Sherrie H. 21 years, 11 months ago

Well I have crossed over. I had my surgery on Monday - about 2 PM and I awoke vomiting from the anesthia and feeling horrible. I must have looked horrible too because my husband had a fearful look on his face and my best friend burst into tears! I was in so much pain that I kept asking myself why did I ever do this? Needless to say that was day 1. It is now day 4 and I'm feeling great. I came home yesterday and am getting settled. I love not feeling hungry. I have to remember to eat! Going to call the doctor's office today so that I can make my 1 week appt. I will post more later! Much love to every one!

angelbee 21 years, 11 months ago

sherrie, good luck today and i hope to meet you soon.let me know about our dr.k good luck and prayers.

Tparker 21 years, 11 months ago

Good luck on your surgery today and I hope your recovery is very quick and painless. Hope you lose all the weight that will make you healthy both physically and mentally. I have said a quick prayer for you.

Sherrie H. 21 years, 11 months ago

Well it's finally here. It's 7:30 am and a beautiful 75 degree morning in New Jersey. I'm sitting here with my laptop pondering about what to wear to the hospital. I will be the 2nd surgery that Dr. Kamelgard is performing so I don't have to be to the hospital until 10:15 am. I've had such a wonderful weekend. My co-workers gave me so much love and support on Friday. Yesterday, all of my friends came to my house for a b-b-q so they could wish me well. And lastly, I log on and see all the well wishes from all of you here at obesity help. I am overjoyed!!! Thank you all again for your wonderful support. I hope to be posting soon again after the surgery. God Bless You All!
About Me
Trenton, NJ
Surgery Date
Dec 29, 2001
Member Since
