Sleep Study Scheduled

Jun 25, 2010

Yesterday, I saw the sleep doctor.  As previously mentioned, my Apnea Link screening test showed that I was at risk of having sleep apnea.  On Sunday, I am going to have my sleep study.  I hope that I can sleep at this place!  This is a fear as I haven't been sleeping the best of late. 

I see the surgeon on Wednesday, June 30th.  Insurance approval is right around the corner! 


Fewer and Fewer Hurdles Everyday

Jun 18, 2010

Today, I had my FINAL 12 month medically supervised diet.  As I've mentioned before, my insurance required this 12 month diet.  I diligently kept every appointment.  Personally, I believe that this 12 month period is excessive.  The reason being is that diets RARELY work!  Haven't each of us proven this over and over and over again?  I did not actually lose any weight during this time.  Some months I was up and some months I was down.  Overall, I remained right where I was when I began last July.  BIG SIGH! 

I also found out that the ApneaLink pre-screening test results are borderline, but the dr. is requiring a full sleep study.  I tried to explain to the nurse that I was planning to have surgery in the next month and that a sleep apnea machine for me would hardly be worth the insurance money.  She would not budge and gave an example of a person having sleep apnea and then taking their narcotic pain meds post op.  The combination of an apnea event and the narcotic caused death for this person.  I thought that by having this surgery MANY of the co-morbidities would disappear almost overnight???  I was frustrated with this development.  I do not want to die and my life certainly isn't worth taking the chance, but I am very much dreading the sleep study.     

My hurdles at this point appear to be the following:
1.  Sleep Study
2.  Surgical Consult
3.  Insurance Approval
4.  Pre-op Diet
5.  Surgery
6.  Post-Op Diet
7.  Adjust to My New LIFE!!!

Every day it seems that my hurdles get fewer and fewer.  Although, I'm not saying that these new few hurdles aren't HIGH, because they most certainly are as HIGH as any have been.  I am just so thankful that the list is shorter and shorter. 

Psych Eval and Clearance

Jun 16, 2010

WAAAAHOOOO!!!  I had my psych evaluation this afternoon and I passed!  My Dr. was emailing my surgeon's office to give them clearance...with the notes, etc following soon.  I can't actually believe that ANOTHER requirement is complete.  Things are rolling along very smoothly!

Funny story, I live with 3 cocker spaniels.  I received a call from a respiratory therapist telling me that I had to complete an ApneaLink test to determine if I should have a sleep study prior to surgery.  The RT went on to ask if I "snored".  I replied "I don't know, I live with 3 cocker spaniels.  Just a minute, let me ask them"!  I don't think that the RT saw the same humor that I did.......needless to say, I picked up the machine this afternoon. 

Things are going so smoothly!  Fingers crossed!
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Falling Into Place

Jun 15, 2010

The nurse from the surgeon's office called this afternoon and I have an appointment for June 30th!  This is so exciting! 
Also, I am going to see a different psychologist.  The main reason is that he could see me TOMORROW!  He emailed me a packet of paperwork to complete.  He said it would take me about 45 minutes to complete.  After an hour and a half, it was complete!  UGH!

I finally feel like this process is actually going somewhere!  I have spent the past 12 months wondering if I would EVER get to this point.  Well, here I am!  Everything is falling into place.
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Paperwork Submitted

Jun 14, 2010

Today, I hand delivered my paperwork to the surgeon's office.  I *hope* that I hear back from them pretty quickly!  Although, I have been warned that it could take up to two weeks.  Fingers crossed! 

I also called to schedule my psych evaluation.  The first provider I called told me that they could schedule an appointment with me at the end of JULY or first of AUGUST!  I kindly thanked the receptionist for her time and politely declined to make an appointment.  My goodness!  I am HOPING to have had surgery by then!!!  I then called the next two providers on the list and had to leave a message.  One of the providers called back quickly and I have an appointment scheduled for Monday, June 28.  Much better than end of July or first of August!

While delivering the paperwork today, I did pick up the required reading "A Complete Guide to Obesity Surgery".  I look forward to delving into the book.  Although, I believe that I know as much as I can about the topic from a pre-op prospective!  I am a firm believer in education and I will read it to be as knowledgeable as possible! 

I will update when I know more!

A New Start

Jun 13, 2010

On Saturday, I attended the wls seminar as required by my surgical program.  As I have been to several of these before, I knew exactly what to expect.  To me, this seminar is a means to an end......OBTAIN THE INFORMATION PACKET!  Check! 

I came home and completed the packet in record time...30 minutes.  I just wish I could have hand delivered the packet back to the office on Saturday afternoon!  No such luck.  Now I have to wait.  More...again! 

Tomorrow, I will hand deliver the information packet and begin the "two week wait" for my first surgical consult.  Rachelle, bariatric nurse, mentioned at the seminar that after the packet was received, it would take approximately two weeks before the office would call to schedule a surgical consult.  I will schedule my psych evaluation during the next two more requirement to soon be completed! 

My insurance has a requirement of 12 consecutive months of a medically supervised diet program.  My appointment on Friday, June 18, 2010 will complete my 12 consecutive months!  What a difference a year makes!  So many changes in my life during the past year...some good, some ok, some not so good.  BIG SIGH!   

I have been down this path before....actually 3 times previously (I was honestly hoping that the 3rd time was a charm.  However, in my case, the 4th time is a charm!).   

I will update this blog as I move through my journey.  I want to be able to look back on this blog and realize where I have come from and what I endured to realize this dream.  I want live out a healthy, happy, long life.  I know that without this surgery, my life will be cut short.

Have a great week!  I know that I will as I begin the middle stages of my long journey to life long, healthy weight control

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Jul 09, 2009
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