Step Three

Mar 14, 2007

Saw the PCP today.  I now have all the office notes that I need to submit for insurance approval.  I'll fax them to the surgeon's office tomorrow morning and keep my fingers crossed.  

I'm heading to St. Louis next weekend for a girls' trip, and I'm looking forward to that.  Next thing to look forward to will be the surgery!  I am excited and scared at the same time.  We'll have to see how I feel when I actually get a sugery date!  My husband asked me if I was going to back out.  Are you kidding me.  I've been working on this for nearly a year, there's no way in he!! I'm backing out now!

Until next time . .

Step Two.

Feb 11, 2007

It's been a busy month.  I've been to see the PCP, lost 3 lbs over Christmas, go figure.  

Went to the sleep disorder center, and spent two horrific nights in a sleep clinic.  Didn't realize how much I like my own bed.  But, I have sleep apnea and a shiny new CPAP machine in my night stand.  I kept it on for two hours the first (Thursday) night (according to the hour meter on the machine) then apparently took it off, but I don't really remember.

The next night, I kept it on for seven or eight hours, until 6:00 am.  Felt really good that day.  Got a lot done around the house.  Maybe this cool little device will help with my being tired constantly.  

Saturday night, went out to see a friend's band play, got home around 2:30 a.m., apparently wore it for two hours, then took it off again.  I really wish I could remember doing that--I'd like to consciously remember taking it off, so I can put it back on.  So, anyway, didn't feel like doing anything today.

Let's see what else I've accomplished this month.  I saw the Psychologist, and passed the Psychological Evaluation, saw the surgeon and the dietician, and was going to go to the support group meeting, but had a conference at school scheduled, so I'll go to the support meeting next month.  

So, now all I have to do is get the last of my records from my PCP that document my "six months of medically supervised weight loss" and the surgeon's office can file with my insurance.  Then we play the waiting game, and I'm not a very patient person.  When I saw the surgeon, I asked if I had all my paperwork in, and insurance has approved me, when would the surgery be scheduled.  She told me late March/early April, so I'm probably realistically looking at late April/early May for a surgery date. 

Until next time . . .  

My first step

Jan 07, 2007

I went to an interest session in July, 2006.  I loved the surgeon, loved the staff.  I submitted my insurance information, and received a call a few days later that my insurance company indeed does cover the surgery, but required six month's of physician-supervised weight loss before surgery can be approved.

I made my first appt with my family md on August 8.  I go back on January 11 for my sixth appointment with him (completing five months), so I'm mailing all of my information to the surgeons tomorrow.  In getting the blood tests done, I did find out that even though I'm obese, I'm actually quite healthy.  Let's hope I stay that way until the surgery can be performed.

I'm getting excited now! 

Liquid Diet

Went to my fitness evaluation and went to see Dr. Fischer on Monday.  He started me on the liquid diet (I was hoping he'd forget!).  Good news is that I only have to do it for nine days instead of fourteen because my banding is Wednesday.  I also apparently have a belly button hernia.  I had no idea.  It doesn't even hurt.  They said they'd fix it while they were in there!

Have to go see PCP tomorrow for history and physical.  Then off to the nutrition class on Thursday, and pre-op testing on Friday.  Whew!  This is how they get you to lose weight right before the surgery!  They don't let you eat anything, then they run you all over town!  LOL.  

It hasn't been too bad.  I hear tomorrow will be worse.  We'll see!

'Til next time . .

About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Surgery Date
Jan 07, 2007
Member Since

Friends 8

Latest Blog 14
Okay, so much for 1-2 a day
It's dropping like flies!!!
I bought a scale.
Feelin' fine!
I'm home!
Two more days!
Liquid Diet
Waiting . . .
