been a good weekend

May 23, 2010

We had a decent weekend.  And food wise, not as bad...we went out to eat, which we do once a week.  We went to China Buffet, which is really good.  I like buffets because there are a lot of options instead of being stuck with just one thing.   Later on, we had ice cream.  Should have waited to have ice cream though.  We had it an hour after having lunch.  We were still full from lunch, but had it anyways.   We did go swimming.  Now, you would think thats excersize, but its really not when you have two small kids with you.  You don't get to do laps, or have an excersize class in the pool.  Sunday was good.  Got up to go to church, but found out it was steak conference, so it was held at a different church and town.  We did end up going out to eat at mcd's.  We were going to go home to eat lunch, but we wanted to go look at our house we were buying.  Before lunch, we went to the Y for the kids to play.   Sometimes I wish I was a kid still in these days.  Having all the energy and playing all the time.  That'd be nice to have that kind of energy.  (they really should bottle that kind of energy.   I'd buy!)

the other day I was feeling rather down.  I looked in the mirror.  That was a mistake, yet one I needed to take.  I was surprised and dissapointed in my self.  My stomach just hung there.  I was fat.  I am fat.  There is no point of hiding it.  I have a problem.  And I can not get help.  I am stuck in a new part of the U.S.(we just moved to a new place...hint of looking at new house) with no family to watch over the kiddies while going ot OA.  And there is only one bariatric doctors in this area.

So, needless to say, ever since I looked at my stomach in the mirror, I've kept that on my mind a lot.  Hopefully that will work.  And we are starting up with the YMCA again, so I get finally catch up on the excersize I need.  That should work.

Well, take care!!


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