I've been going through the process with Kaiser since August 2006. It's my fault that it has taken so long. I had a few appointments that I had to cancel which made my process a little longer than normal. I need to lose 7lbs and so far I've lost 3.

March 21, 2007  -    It's been a while since I've updated my profile. I have one more visit with my nutritionist which is on March 26, 2007. I just hope and pray that I've lost the 4 additional pounds. I don't want to prolong my surgery any longer than I have to.

March 27    -     I didn't lose the 4 lbs by March 26, so I rescheduled my last appt for April 18. 

April 19    -     YEPPIE!!!!  I lost the weight. I am finished with everything and now am waiting for approval. Kaisers next meeting is May 1.

May 2    -     I don't know exactly what happened but somebody dropped the ball and my name was not on the list to be reviewed at the meeting. I was told by my nutritionist that my name would definately be on the list at their next meeting which is May 15.

May 16    -     Ok!!!  Who should I kick in the azz now??  The meeting that was scheduled for May 15 was cancelled. One of the doctors on the board was called out of town on an emergency. So now I have to wait for the next meeting, which is scheduled for May 29. At first I figured the wait wouldn't bother me and I would try not to think about it, but I am getting very anxious.

May 25    -     Ok...  The Memorial Day weekend is here and I am going to enjoy myself. I'm off Monday and Kaiser's meeting is Tuesday. I can't wait......   Pray for me!!!

May 30    -     8am  - Kaiser had their meeting yesterday.  I am so anxious to find out if I've been approved - I have butterflies in my stomach.  I'm debating if I should call my nutritionist or just call Kaiser myself.

1:30pm - Still haven't heard anything from anyone. Called Kaiser Member Services....   I'VE BEEN APPROVED...........  YYYYEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!   GOD is good. I have 90 days to have my surgery. Yes.  They don't have to worry about me going past Aug. because I am ready now.  

May 31    -     Called surgeon (Julia Lee) she works under Dr. Lin - so having either of them is a blessing.  She must be very busy. The earliest I can get in to see her is June 22. But it's all good. It will be worth the wait. 

June 23 - I met with Dr. Lee yesterday. She seems very nice and genuine and was very informative. She took her time explaining each method of surgery and why some doctors have to resort to open. She addressed my concerns and reassured of each of them. I appreciated the talk and advise. Dr. Lee's assistant has to check the availability of the hospital, but we're looking at July 16th, 19th or 23rd for my surgery date..  Either is good for me because I am ready to be on the other side.

July 3 - I spoke with Dr. Lee's assistant yesterday and my date is final - July 19th....   YYYEEEESSSSSS!!!  I am so ready for this. My pre-op is July 11.  Thank you ladies for all your support and words of encouragement.  I thank God everyday that I have my friends and families love & support. It feels so good to have a support system, especially from those you don't know. 

July 11  - I'm currently doing the slim fast and protein bars each day... it's a little hard - especially when you're so used to eating regularly. But it's working out. I didn't know that SlimFast had Lactose Free shakes. That really comes in handy - if you know what I mean!!!  I'm drinking the French Vanilla and the Chocolate flavored shakes. Also, I found a protein bar that really tastes great. It's the Snickers Marathon Protein bar. I've only tried the Caramel Nut Rush flavor and it is great.  One bar has 21 grams of protein and I guess it makes you think you're eating a regular snickers bar.  But it tastes great.
My pre-op is today...  That should be fun.

2:50pm  -  Just got back from my pre-op..   I was worried for nothing......   Dr. Lee basically went over everything and gave me some instructions to follow before surgery, the bowel prep and antibiotics - blood work, registering with the hospital and taking a mandatory class at the hospital. She talked about things they look for during surgery and things they may see that could prevent them from performing the surgery.  Again, she was very informative, understanding and caring. 

July 23 - Surgery was Thursday July 19th... and went very well. I started walking Friday evening after my tube came out of my throat (forgot the name of the tube).  Started sipping on liquids Saturday and of course plenty more walking. My incisions are looking good and my drain tube comes out tomorrow. I could've come home Saturday but decided to stay an extra day to be sure I was ready for the transition.  Things went much better than I expected and I truly thank God for his many blessings and bringing thru surgery with no complications.

Sept. 18 - It's been a while since I've updated my profile. But all is good. I was hospitalized Aug. 15 for pnuemonia in my right lung. Stayed in the hospital for 5 days. That has passed and I am truly a loser now.  As of today and since my surgery (July 19th) I've lost 36 pounds. I like my progress because it's like I'm losing 3-4 pounds a week. Which to me, isn't too fast or too slow. I'm going to the gym Friday to start a work program and to tighting things up. Everyone at my job have expressed how good I look and they can tell the difference in my weight loss.

As far as my eating goes, it seems that I can primarily eat almost anything. I haven't tried bread yet and sometimes pasta doesn't agree with me. So I've laid off that. But I can eat most meats and veggies, no rice yet. The carbs don't really seem to agree with me. I just noticed yesterday that I drank a regular glass of cranberry juice and it didn't bother me at all.. usually I drink light or diet juices. Vitamin water is good too. I just have to remember to get my vitamins in. Otherwise, things are going really well for me. I can tell the weight is coming off too. My clothes are now too big, I have a safety pin in almost every pair of slacks I wear to work. My blouses are too big.  Soon I'll need a  new wardrobe. 

My daughters are loving the change. They had a nerve to tell me it looks like I've shrunk a few inches in my height. But I've always been short. Both my daughters are taller than me and so is my son. 

I thank all you ladies and gents for your encouragement and words of wisdom. I truly appreciate your prayers.

Dec. 11, 2007     It's been awhile since I've updated my progress.. So far, I've been doing great. I had reached a stall around Halloween and stayed at 210 until about 2 weeks ago.  I had gotten dissappointed but had to snap back and realize that stalling was expected. But now I'm down to 206 and just loving life and thanking God everyday.  I've lost inches and weight and it feels great..  My hair has started to fall out, that too was expected - since we can not consume enough protein by eating. I've increased my drinking to include protein shakes more often. 

If anyone needs some good ideas for protein shakes, try:  Pure Protein shakes(35 grams of protein) at the Vitamin Shoppe and the Isopure drinks (40 grams of protein) at the Vitamin Shoppe. Both are great in taste and come in a variety of flavors.

Until next time, keep God first in everything you do. He is truly worthy to be praised.

July 23, 2008    I haven't been on OH in months... But I can truly say, this past year has been a journey and a blessing. I've lost and gained, and reached a plateau several times.  Currently, I'm at a plateau. But I keep reminding myself that it's all part of the journey. I'm now in a size 14 and can wear some 12's. Mostly 14's though!!  Never did I realize that buying a new wardrobe would be so expensive and FUN.  I have a new man in my life....  actually I can't call him new. We used to date about 20 years ago. If you knew us then and compared us to now, you would say "Wow". We both have changed drastically and have matured beyond belief.  God was showing off when he sent him to me...  He is just wonderful and is everything I asked God to send me in a man and then some. I never figured God would send me someone from my past to be my future   ....      God is so wonderful and I thank him everyday for everything - whether it's good or bad. I love my new life and I wouldn't change it for the world.  Love you.. until next time, take care.

I just posted some new pics, will have more pics soon.


About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 16, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12
