Day 4 after surgery

Feb 24, 2011

So, Monday I had my surgery. It took about 4 hours according to my doctor. Apparently I had an enormous amount of scar tissue in my abdomin. Doc said it was something I was born with. My intestines had grown intertwined with the tissue also. So what should have taken him 2 minutes to start the procedure, took 30 minutes for him to remove all the scar tissue to even start. Once he started, he also noted that I had one of the biggest pancreas he had ever seen. Something about how a normal pancreas sits on this shelf, but that mine was sitting on the shelf and had started a new shelf. Such is the life of my body. LOL

Anyways, the first night was rough. morphine for the pain and lots of sleep. Of course who can sleep when every 4 hours the nurses would come in to take vitals.

The second day was a little better. They had me up walking and gave me jello for lunch. Best jello I have ever tasted. Still had the IV and Foley catheter attached but at least I could walk.

the third day, I had 1 ounce of scrambled eggs for Bkfast, and then a turkey slice for lunch. Of course, I could only do 2 tiny weeny little bites of the eggs and the same with turkey as the pouch was still swelled up inside restricting how much I could get in.

I was discharged about 2pm and came home and took things very easy. Later in the night I took my pain meds as the pain increased some, and off to bed I went.

To Be continued......

Finally Approved By Tricare Prime

Feb 08, 2011

So those who may have been following my blgs, After much headaches and footwork by me, Tricare Prime has finally approved my surgery for the 21st of Feb. Im excited and cautious all in one emotion. My primary care resubmitted for a new referral for the basic again, and then Tricare came back and approved that. The surgery scheduler resubmitted for the surgery with the new referral number, and Tricare came back stating I needed a TSH test (Thyroid). I had that test done last friday morning (4 Feb) and the doc had the results back that afternoon and they submitted that to Tricare also. Monday morning, I had my approval for the surgery. So 7 days prior to surgery I will start my Pre-OP diet of liquid which will help shrink my liver down. I did the pre-op doc visit on the 4th also, and the pre-op class this past monday. Im looking forward to it and all that it will bring me.


Denied By Tricare Prime due to PCP

Feb 01, 2011

Si I got a call this morning from Dr. Adams Surgery Scheduler letting me know I was denied for the surgery because apparently my PCP put the wrong diagnostic code when they submitted the original referral for the doctor. They put it for Upper respiratory instead of Morbid Obesity. So Tricare denied it as they didnt know why I wanted Gatsric for a chest problem. Tricare also stated that the PCP apparently had tried to fix it by resubmitting it immediately after and Portsmouth Naval Medical Center overode the procedure for assignment  to them. Only problem is they have a 3 year wait for the surgery. So I called my PCP and they are resubmitting the referral again for the correct doctor (who I already have done the testing with), and as long as Tricare approves the new referral, then the Surgical scheduler will resubmit my paperwork. So hopefully my tentaive date of 21 Feb will still be good.


Awaiting Insurance Approval

Jan 27, 2011

Well after much consideration and talking with my wife who recently had the surgery, I have decided to have it done also. I have been overweight for about 8 years now, my weight creeping up after my retirement from the Navy in 2003. I tried the diets, and lost very little and then of course put it right back on. I am tired of constantly pulling my pants up because my hips are lower than my belly and when you tighten for the belly, it always slips down to the hips. I,m tired of being out of breath just from walking up a flight of stairs. My bed is shot on my side from my weight, and I have skin nodules under my arms (from fat skin rubbing) that drive me crazy. So I did the seminar, Psych, Doc meeting, labs, and got the required paperwork, and its all been submitted to TRICARE Prime North. I have a tentative surgery date of 21 Feb, so I'm excited. With my wife having had it about 16 months ago, I feel confident in that she will help me through the first few phases. I will post a before pic after i have my wife take one. My doctor is the same doctor she had (Dr. Gregory Adams). On the list of Docs on this site it had him still in Alabama, but he now resides in Hampton Roads and is part of the Tidewater Surgical Specialists Group of Bon Secour. So eagerly awating the approval letter.


About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 01, 2009
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