SkyHarborGirl uploaded a photo 10 years, 11 months ago

SkyHarborGirl posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
exercise vs. calories - I want to start off by saying WLS was the best thing I have ever done for myself!  I love the new me.  But the new me is stuck.  I have been a slow loser since day one and happy fo...

SkyHarborGirl posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
A new me in 2012 - It's hard to believe I started my journey 1 year ago.  I went to my first pre-surgical counseling session in January 2011 and I thought waiting 6 months was going to kill me (liter...

SkyHarborGirl posted a discussion topic 12 years, 8 months ago
Trouble wtih food intake at 4 mo postop - I would like to know if any one out there has difficulty eating food on a regular basis. I am 4 months out, and had a stricture corrected (last treatment 2 wks ago) and recently re...

SkyHarborGirl posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
Stricture and Ulcers who knew? - Today I had an EGD an to my surprise not only was I dealing with a stricture, I have ulcers in my pouch!  They dialated my stricture and gave me a prescription for the ulcers.  It ...

SkyHarborGirl posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
Chest tightness and nausea - I am 5 weeks out and up to this point no problems.  I noticed about two weeks ago that I was not able to eat as much as I could early on.  I went from a 1/2 cup to about 1/4 cup at...

SkyHarborGirl posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Feeling hungry 4 days after surgery - From everything I have heard and read everyone struggles to get their liquids and protein in immediately following surgery.  I am post op day 4 and today I not only have had no tro...

SkyHarborGirl added a goal 13 years, 3 months ago
Lose 25lbs before surgery

SkyHarborGirl added a goal 13 years, 3 months ago
lose 50lbs

SkyHarborGirl uploaded a photo 13 years, 8 months ago
About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 16, 2010
Member Since

Friends 7
