careywatkins 23 years ago

Hi Kelly! It's been a while since you updated your profile - anything new to report as a post-op?

Nancy C. 23 years, 7 months ago

Ron M. 23 years, 7 months ago

Just quick report on how things are going for Kelly. Last night she called me & had to have me call the nurses station because it had been almost 45 min after she notified the nurses station...she was stuck in bed. It appears the these girls are very mean people & barely speak english. I'll be taking care of this when I get there today though. She did say that she does feel pretty good dispite the treatment. Thank you all very much for your prayers & have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Teresa N. 23 years, 7 months ago

{{{{KELLY}}}} So glad you made it without complications to the 'other side'! I read about how anxious you were right before the surgery and totally understand. Keep up the walking and you'll be home in no time. My thoughts and prayers remain with you and your family -- All the best,

Rosanne O. 23 years, 7 months ago

Kelly, Congratulations on being officially post-op now. Keep up the walking and your recovery will go fast. Got to keep moving so you don't get blood clots. You've got to make exercise part of your life now, so the walking several times a day is a good way to get in to the exercise habit. Hang in there; whatever discomfort you may be feeling now will go away and then you will feel like a million dollars.

Ron M. 23 years, 7 months ago

First I wanted to thank you all for you prayers & thank the Lord ABOVE all! Kelly is doing great! She stopped taking morphine last night & didn't want any pain killers either! She says all she can remember was everyone from AMOS telling her to get up & walk after the of course the nurse's had a rough night last night because all she wanted to do was keep getting up to walk around. She is still in ICU but will be moving upstairs later today. If your in the mood for giving love I'm sure she'd appreciate any giving...she can be reached at 323-462-2271 I would wait till after 2pm pacific time just in case. When you first call the # you get a recoreded message...just wait for a few seconds into the message & dial 'zero' then tell the operator you'd like to speak to paitent Kelly M. McKay. Take care & a Happy Thanksgiving to all!

careywatkins 23 years, 7 months ago

Kelly (and Ron) - just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I'll be praying for you both. Being petrified right before surgery surely doesn't help either one of you, but keep the faith. The powers of collective prayer and amazing! You'll be in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to a positive update shortly!

Teri D. 23 years, 7 months ago

Go Kelly we will all be rooting for you and your speedy recovery...Godspeed

Angela A. 23 years, 7 months ago

Ron and Kelly------ I am sorry to learn of your situation. Just remember that God is a good God. He will sheild you throughout your enemies. No lying devil in hell (Doctor) can stop God's Love on your life. Put your trust and faith in him, know that he will take care of you. You will do fine. Continue to stay in prayer. I will pray for the well being of your health and family. God Bless you and yours.

anitawilson 23 years, 7 months ago

Good Morning - Ron, Kellys husband wrote to me and I am asking that we all pray for Kelly. Ron is afraid for her and this is what he wrote................She's says she's very nervous...she's found that the Dr lied about his fatality rate. The anatheseoligist stated that he does have fatalities but, hasn't had any in I think like over two years. This makes her even more nervous and more emotional,which I'm sure doesn't help any at all. I would be thankful for everyone's prayers tonight & in the morning. I miss her & love her dearly & would just die if something went wrong. Take care! Ron
About Me
Chino Hills, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2000
Member Since
