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Nov 27, 2007

Well i am so thankful to be back home after a hospital stay. I was having problems keeping any food and liquids done. It started to get really bad last week Wednesday. I was scheduled for a EDG yesterday but had to check into the hospital a day early because I was so de-hydrated and was I ever. I went in to surgery and my esofugus? was only 2mm so nothing would go down. I feel wonderful today. Thank you to Dr.Schram!


Nov 18, 2007

Well i did it today I am at 200 pounds that is 30 pounds in 27 days. I feel great. However I am having a hard time with food. I am not able to eat at all. I can drink and do drink my protien shakes and Achiev One Drinks they are great!! So keep your fingers crossed that I am able to eat something soon!!


Nov 11, 2007

Can you say "I am sick of the TV" It seems that all we have commercials on is "FOOD" That is why we all are so fat (yes i said fat) here in the USA. Subway has shown that pastrami commercial 4 times in the past hour and Pizza hut every 15 mins. Oh well off to the tread mill I go.......

First update

Nov 09, 2007

Well after reading everyones profile I finally wanted to post on my own. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op and i am down 20 pounds! Wow I am excited. I can't remember the last time I lost that much in such a short amount of time.

I am struggling I am craving food and it is really hard for me to not cheat! I start out every day new and say I am going to do good then by 9:00 pm I start looking in the Kitchen!!  Help what do I do???

I did not realize I had such a problem with food! I am still on a liquid Diet!

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Surgery Date
Sep 24, 2007
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