
May 10, 2007

I went to see Dr. Mailapur for my 2 week post-op visit today... Lost 20 lbs.  That's about average I was told by the new nurse - Mary.  (Lindsey is leaving to further pursue her degree - certainly gonna miss her as she's wonderfully sweet, but am proud of her for furthering her education & bettering herself!

My next appointment is in July... I am determined that I will be above average then.  I haven't been able to do much due to recovery being so drawn out... but I am able to begin now and begin I will.  

DD & I will begin walking every morning as DH leaves for work, and DH & I will begin the weight resistance training this week.  I'll do what I can and work my way up to all that I anticipate.

Still a little sore and there is still a little infection in the drain wounds but all is healing well and I am well on my way!

Get to move from Phase I to Phase II.  Dr. M. wants me to get from 60 to 80 grams of protien in a day.  Have to eat three meals per day even if I'm not hungry... which is a challange because I haven't been hungry really since the surgery. (YAY!)

I do realize now though that I did eat at times when I wasn't hungry... and one reason that my weight was coming back was that most of what I ate was carbs!  That's just about all that my stomach would digest - but this time - even if it's the shakes, it's protien first!  I am determined NOT to allow my new pouch to stretch!

I tried to give Dr. Mailapur kudos today and he wouldn't have it! LOL  He's an awesome physician and I hope that if you are considering the RNY Gastric Bypass that you seriously consider Dr. Mailapur!  He is wonderful!!!  The best in my opinion!

Loosing Already!!

May 08, 2007


My Surgery was on the 23rd of April.  It took 4 hours.  Dr. Mailapur did the revision without complication and had to seperate fused organs as well.  He told DH that I would be in quite some pain for a while.  I just didn't know how long (LOL)

My surgery was on a Monday and I came home from the hospital the following Thursday.  So glad to get home... couldn't wait to get the drain tubes out because it seemed that they were the worst part of recovery.

About Saturday I noticed more pain and redness around the drain tube exits as well as my stomach beginning to swell again.  Sunday I was in tears from the pain.  I tried to reach Dr. Mailapur, but the answering machine/service had not been switched over to night/weekend service and there was no emergency number with which to contact him.

I would press 0 and be connected with the hospital operator who would return me to his answering machine even after I had explained the situation to her several times.

Finally around 10:30 PM there was a new operator who paged him for me (bless her heart) and bless his heart, he called me back immediately.  He asked me to wait until Monday morning to see how it does & then give him a call.

When I spoke to his office staff on Monday morning, he was paged and asked that I go to the ER and have them page him when I get there.

I do not reccomend HH ER to anyone unless there is real trauma - I know they have a seperate trauma center... but as soon as Dr. Mailapur showed up, I was suddenly being cared for with quite a bit more urgency.  He is an awesome physician!

He admitted me due to infection.  He ran tests to make certain that was the only thing I had going on - and thankfully it was.  He kept me hydrated and got me started on the correct antibiotics and got it healing once again... and by Wednesday I was on my way home headed toward recovery once again.

Now - I'm still getting better every day!  I'm yet to be able to sleep in any position other than my back  & can't wait to sleep on my side again! LOL - I can't wait to be able to bend over again - comfortably!

There is already a significant visable weight loss - I'll know for sure after my first post-op appointment on Thursday how much.

I wish I could find a wonderful way to thank Dr Mailapur for his care!  The nurses on the 4th floor as well - they were wonderful too!  I had the same nurses both stays.

I'm still on the liquid phase (Phase I).  That's fine  - I understand that the infection took it's toll and slowed down my healing process quite a bit.  I am ready to move onto the next phase, but willing to ramain on this one as long as neccessary.

I'm getting better everyday!  Walking more, enduring more and even driving short distances.  Gonna drive myself to Huntsville come Thursday - Gonna leave in time to go slow too! LOL

Any way - that's my recovery thus far (fewer details due to it all being cramed into one entry)... will try to keep you updated!

WOOHOOO!!!  Looking forward to seeing half of me!!!

Tomorrow's the Big Day!! :D

Apr 21, 2007

Today is Sunday April 22nd... and tomorrow is the big day!  Dr. M has me scheduled at 12:00 - last in line just to be certain he has all of the time that he needs.

My final pre-op visit was with him this past Tuesday (04/17/07).  We arrived early and the waiting room had several patients there.  One gentleman asked if I was here for the 'bypass' and I answered yes and that my surgery was scheduled for Monday.  He shared some of his story with us... and another lady there had already had the proceedure - in Januray 2007 - she shard a bit of her's as well.

They both had great stories to share and everyone in the room had only wonderful things to say about Dr. Mailapur!  There was a third lady who came into the office in search of information about the bypass.  There were about six of us all together and everyone was so very nice!

Haleigh and I were last... Dr. Mailapur walked into the waiting room and said that we'd be back in just a moment... and sure enough it was only a moment until we were called back.  Had to weigh... :S  Never like that - but I have a feeling it will get better!!!

Dr. Mailapur as ever, was thorough, honest & sincere.  He was upfront about the risks involved and the fact that he isn't even going to attempt this proceedure lapriscopicly - which is okay with me.  He explained how long it might take and how difficult the old scar tissue would be to get around... and for other reasons.  So I am completely comfortable with his decision.

Once again, at the end of our visit - I really had no questions or concerns because he had covered everything so thoroughly.

He explained again the increased risk involved with the revision, and he explained it thoroughly.  I asked if he had any reservations about performing the proceedure and he assured me that he does not - which I really didn't expect him to... He has done them before.  & He seems to be an awesome surgeon.  

Oh - A funny thing... he apologized to us for having to wait so long - and we didn't even realize that we had been there that long.  ((We actually weren't there a long time - especially when compared to my family physician's waiting room time)).  My 5 yr old kept asking me in a murmured whisper "How can he speak spanish and english at the same time?"  I had to explain to her that he is not... that he has an accent.  Ya know he's even good with her and puts for obvious effort.  He showed her a photo of his daughter who is the same age.  

I am so thankful that I was turned away by the physicians in Decatur, led to OH, and then to Dr. Mailapur!!  I know GOD's hand is in this.  & despite my mother's fears... I will live through it and share many wonderful stories with ya'll!

The Waiting Game is OVER!!!

Apr 15, 2007

As of 04/09/07 I am offically approved! :D  I can't tell you how excited I am.  After waiting SO long for my family physician to send a letter and having to make an office appointment and pay a copay just to ask him in person to do so (& basically tell dictate the letter to him - which could've been done over the phone :P) He finally sent it in! and after waiting for two weeks after that to find out if I'm approved or not... I'm finally approved!

I went last Tuesday to get my labs done... Have an appointment with the dietician tomorrow (Monday) at 8:30, and my pre-op appointment w/ Dr. M on Tuesday... I am looking forward to surgery on Monday April 23rd.

I've been much in prayer over this & praying GOD's will... praying HIS hand over me, over my physician and everyone assisting him... & over my family.

I can't wait to add my wow moments and success stories to my blog here!

Thank you all so much for your prayers if any were sent up on my behalf!

UGI :S ((yuck!!))...

Upper GI / Barium Swallow ((Ugh!)) was February 12, 2007.

My husband took off of work to go with me.  I had had an upper GI (light going down the throat) a little less than a year ago and was given medication to induse amnesia.  So he went along to insure I had transportation home & for moral support.  (L)  Mother was still sick and so our precious dd had to come along as well.  

Once we arrived at the medical mall, it didn't take long until I was back having the test done.  It was really really hard!  I just about lost it (via regurtation) several times!

I had explained about the UGI and that I can only hold about a cup w/o vommiting (of course I don't think anyone believes me from the sight of me! - Only my family who witness every single day how I eat (( or don't)) ).

*One is required to swallow two packets of gas inducing crystals along with a sip of water - this 'blows up' or expands the stomach for optimal viewing.
* Next, you must drink this aweful nasty melted milkshake consistancy barium swallow crap... I'm pretty sure there was more than a cupful of it there... I took one big swallow and the Dr. stated that it was enough (((Thank YOU precious JESUS!!!).  
* Now you must proceed with the video xrays of the stomach & upper digestive system.  This consisted of 'lie on your back."  "roll onto your left side" "continue onto your stomach" "and over onto your right side"  with several different positions of each so that the visual they are getting is an accurate one.
***(UGH)*** Now comes the thinner barium swallow... and I couldn't hold another drop... had already been struggling to keep this stuff down - especially after being asked not to belch.  Had to lie on stomach and drink several quick sips of this nasty stuff so that a clear view of the esophagus (& journey into the stomach) could be obtained.

Oh it was so gross!  I did finally loose it, but thank the Good LORD there was a sink in the room.

Alright!  Thank Heaven it's over with!  Out to the lobby with my baby girl!  They have both been wonderful!  I brought along her crayons & fav coloring books as well as her fav baby doll.  She and her daddy did awesome while I was unavailable.

Something really sweet:  While I was in the proceedure, an elderly gentleman came up to my husband and said that he loved to give his grandchildren certain things and stated that 'you have one beautiful little girl there" and asked if it would be okay for him to give her a small gift.  He gave her a gold dollar.  ((I just love the elderly & miss my grandparents SO much!))

On the way home we decided to stop in at the Space & Rocket Center because dd has never been there & loves learning & loves space, the solar system, etc.

Later (back at home) I was very sick at my stomach (not regurtation), I suppose from the barium swallow.

Just glad that part is over & done with! :D

First Appointment...

Feb 16, 2007

I met with Dr. Mailapur on February 8th.  

(Mother was sick so I didn't have a babysitter and we were running quite a bit late... but it was fine - everyone was understanding and extremely kind.  And it did not seem an inconvience to anyone that my 5 yr old was with me ((which is important because she is almost always with me)) )

Once called back... I had to face the dreaded scale!  Was told that I'm an inch & a half shorter than everything else in life reads LOL so I suppose I'm shrinking - just not in the desired manner (te-hee).

My physician, as ever was kind, professional, efficient, and I honestly feel that he holds his patients best interests at heart.

He explained in detail the extra risks involved and that he himself is willing to put forth the extra effort/work that will be required on the surgeons part.  It seemed evident that he had already put forth extra effort in research on my behalf.

I really had no questions at the end of the visit because he had covered each of them during our visit.

I left with an appointment for a UGI - wasn't looking forward to that at all! LOL

And so we begin...

January 2007

After previously having local surgeon refuse to perform operation due to previous VBG... I (by the grace of GOD) discovered OH - where I obtained information about Dr. Mailapur.

After verifying that he is indeed an in-network provider, I called for information and was told that he was holding (or presenting) a forum on the topic the following evening, which I attended.

Dr. Mailapur is 'seasoned' at the very least in this proccedure.  I asked him about performing on a patient who has previously had VBG and he expained the difficulties involved for the surgeon and that he would have to give it much consideration... that if he did agree, he would most likely have another surgeon present during the operation.

After discussion with my husband and seeking guidance through prayer... I called and made an appointment to meet with Dr. Mailapur.

About Me
Jan 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 7
Loosing Already!!
Tomorrow's the Big Day!! :D
The Waiting Game is OVER!!!
UGI :S ((yuck!!))...
First Appointment...
And so we begin...
