
Jeanie A. 19 years ago

Pennie, I am happy to hear you are feelng so well! Take it easy and enjoy the birds. Jeanie in St. Louis

Tina H. 19 years ago

Wishing you the best, and a speedy recovery! P. S. I am from Marion too, and I had my surgery 2 weeks ago. Tina

cajungirl 19 years ago

Congratulations Penny and welcome to the losing side. Sounds like you are feeling great, best wishes on a speedy recovery. Dana

SouthernIllinoisMom 19 years ago

Hello to all...I am in the hospital and everything went great. I had surgery at 9:30 yesterday. I took my first walk around the floor at 3pm yesterday and walked 4 more times. I am so happy and excited NOW because I am not in pain...I was ready to feel really bad...and I do not feel bad.I think the fact that I was walking and doing excersize pre op REALLy helped. I have had ice chips all day and just had my upper GI done, no leaks I willl get some clear liquids soon.The moraphine is helping the little pain that I have but my nurse said I have not used much..I did not get much sleep last night and something is making me itch like crazy..I have had benadryl 2x and that helps the itchies....The only hardship is that I just started my cycle and that was a drag with the cathater, but it is out now.I watched the space shuttle go up today and decided to name my pouch, Discovery....I shall be learning and discovering all kinds of new things and not just about food, abvout all types of things as I start this new part of my life...I am so happy and excited, nervous that later I will feel the oppisite low...but for now I am elated!!!!They have birds in the waiting room..there are some pretty ones...I need to get going and walk some more That is all for now Pennie

SouthernIllinoisMom 19 years ago

Hello to all...I am in the hospital and everything went great. I had surgery at 9:30 yesterday. I took my first walk around the floor at 3pm yesterday and walked 4 more times. I am so happy and excited NOW because I am not in pain...I was ready to feel really bad...and I do not feel bad.I think the fact that I was walking and doing excersize pre op REALLy helped. I have had ice chips all day and just had my upper GI done, no leaks I willl get some clear liquids soon.The moraphine is helping the little pain that I have but my nurse said I have not used much..I did not get much sleep last night and something is making me itch like crazy..I have had benadryl 2x and that helps the itchies....The only hardship is that I just started my cycle and that was a drag with the cathater, but it is out now.I watched the space shuttle go up today and decided to name my pouch, Discovery....I shall be learning and discovering all kinds of new things and not just about food, abvout all types of things as I start this new part of my life...I am so happy and excited, nervous that later I will feel the oppisite low...but for now I am elated!!!!They have birds in the waiting room..there are some pretty ones...I need to get going and walk some more That is all for now Pennie

Lora Leach 19 years ago

Pennie- your day is almost here! I am soo excited for you. I want you to know that I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers tomorrow. Here's to a uneventful surgery & a smooth recovery. Congrats on becoming a memeber of the "other" side!! Take Care~

Lora Leach 19 years ago

Pennie- your day is almost here! I am soo excited for you. I want you to know that I will be keeping you in my thoughts & prayers tomorrow. Here's to a uneventful surgery & a smooth recovery. Congrats on becoming a memeber of the "other" side!! Take Care~

Moma V. 19 years ago

Penny, prayers and hugs for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery!

Carebearette 19 years ago

My prayers will be with you as you have surgery. May you have an uneventful procedure and a quick recovery as you enter this exciting phase of the journey to a healthier and happier life.

Mary M. 19 years ago

Congradulations and wishing you all the best on your journey to a happy and healthier life. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May God's healing hand be on you and may He guide all of your medical providers. See you on the LOSERS bench! Hugs and prayers,
About Me
Marion, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 17, 2003
Member Since

Friends 1
