Christopher Spalding

Conquering Pinatubo

Apr 06, 2009

I live very close to Mount Pinatubo, you know that volcano that is responsible for one of the largest eruptions in the twentieth century?  Its ash is what made all of our sunsets especially colorful in 1992 and 1993.  Well, one of my goals since moving here has been to climb it.

I have no problem climbing mountains, I did all of the time in Huntsville, Alabama (at least they called them mountains.)  But there was never any fear of those mountains blowing their tops as I took a leisurely stroll toward the summit.  With my luck, Pinatubo will probably come back to life while I'm enjoying a picnic on the shores of its crater lake.  I can just see the news piece-

One of the victims of the eruption was Christopher Spalding when the pyrocastic flows disintigrated him instantly.  All that was left to identify him were a few metal staples of unknown origin.

I know.  I'm just being silly.


Two Year Check-Up

Apr 01, 2009

In continuing the tradition for the second year, I've decided to fill out the same questionnaire I filled out at the one year mark, just to see myself how things have changed since then.  I'd like to make this a yearly thing, but I can't commit to that.  I seem to have a problem with commitment, just ask the fifteen or so boyfriends I had in the last year.  Anyway, here we go.

Starting Weight- 380
Surgery Weight- 330
Current Weight- 145
Goal Weight- 150
Starting Sizes- 50" waist, XXXXL shirt
Current Sizes- 26-27" waist, S-M shirt

What was your biggest WOW moment?
Every morning when I wake up and thank God for my good health, my good friends and the extra years I've added to my life is a wow moment.

What are some goals you haven’t reached yet, but know that you will?
I'd like to keep the weight off for the rest of my life, and I've done a really good job thus far.  Hopefully, I can keep that goal, but I'll never know unless I gain a lot of weight or die thin.

What are some things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago?
Ride a jeepney.  Walk to the beach.  Climb a volcano.  Walk up three flights of steps to the Manila LRT with no problem.

What is your reward when you reach/ed your goal weight?
Nothing really.  Maybe a sigh at the realization that the work has just begun.  I don't see my weight loss as something that neccessarily has to be celebrated, but as something that needs to be cherished and preserved.

Do you have any regrets since your surgery?
I regret that I didn't do it sooner.  I was first presented with the idea years before, but thought that I was too good for it.  Man, what a douche I was...

What has been the hardest thing to do since surgery?
The most difficult thing to do has been to take pure enjoyment in the improvement of my health while my father's, in the same time period, has deteriorated immensely.  He can barely walk now, has end stage renal hemodialysis three times a week, has constant fluctuations in his blood suger and is extremely suseptible to infection.  In January, on the 23rd specifically (on his and my mother's 36th wedding anniversary) he was in the ICU close to death with an infection.  He was unresponsive and hallucinating.  He was closer to death than he was even after his two heart attacks or before his heart bypass surgery.  But I know that he's happy for me.

What are some complications that you’ve had?
Not really a complication, but dammit if steamed rice is something I have so much trouble keeping down!  Sometimes, all I want is a big scoop of rice topped with Silver Swan soy sauce.  Mmm.

What are some medical issues that have resolved since surgery?
Same since last year, but my knees have gotten worse.  I guess my weight did some pretty bad damage to them.  I may require surgery.

Name one bad habit that you’ve reverted back to since surgery.  
Eating sweets.  But not too much.  A healthy amount, I guess.  (I know.  That's an oxymoron.)

Is there anything you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey?
I learned from all of the mistakes I made during my 1999 major weight loss and subsequent gain.  I don't intend to repeat them.

How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other?
Everyone has been so positive.  When I first arrived in the Philippines, my family was expecting to see a grossly overweight me.  Well, they were duely surprised.  I went through quite a few (in)significant others the months before moving (it wasn't relationship time) but am now settled down, single and patiently waiting for the right guy.

What is your favorite post op food? 
There are so many great tasting and healthy Filipino dishes that I get to enjoy every day.  A guilty pleasure is called lumpia, or a Filipino egg roll.  Corn and crab soup (from Chow King) is great, too.

If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be?
Follow the rules.  Quoting LadyRaven, "This is your one shot rocket."  Enjoy it, but never take it for granted.

Someone once asked me if I were offered a billion dollars to go back to being obese, and I had to stay there for the rest of my life, would I do it?  No way in hell.  The pounds I lost are worth their weight in gold and diamonds.  Good health is tantamount to a long and productive life.  And the way my life is now, I want to be able to enjoy it for as long as possible.

Big Thanks Before I Leave

Aug 29, 2008

I have a week left stateside, then next weekend, I am making my way out for a new life in the Philippines.  God, I'm so excited about it.  My mom and dad have tapped me to run the internet bar they're opening in Olongapo City, so I'll finally be able to put that technical communications education toward something other than government work.  Yay!

I'm still doing great.  My mother fusses that I'm getting too small.  I hover in between 145 and 150 pounds.  I still get nervous when sitting on people's laps; I still feel like I'm crushing them.  And the strangest thing happened today.  I saw a cousin of mine who I haven't seen in a few years to say good-bye before leaving.  She looked at me and said, "Hey, Lee.  (Lee is my slightly older brother.  We've always looked a lot a like, except that he was always the thin one and I was always the fat one.)  I said, "No, this is Chris."  Her eyes bugged out and her jaw hit the floor.  You know, I hate getting mistaken for my brother.  I think I'm so much better looking than him!  (Just kidding, bro.)

I have a great guy in my life.  I've known him for 3 years now.  I always admired him from far away, thinking he'd never go out with someone like me.  Then, a couple of months ago, I finally aproached him.  He knew exactly who I was, even with all of the weight loss.  He has made my last couple of months here great; and will make my moving to the Philippines bittersweet.  But my life must move on, and he knew everything from the beginning.

I know, I know, I'm rambling again.  It's all this excess energy I have now since my poor knees don't have to support 380 pounds anymore.  Tonight, I'm going to watch my high school football team play for what may be the last time.  Yay!  My two favorite seasons are upon us- football and halloween.  Thank God for satellite tv (when I'm in the Philippines.)

I thank y'all for your continued support.  And I'll always keep in mind that no matter where I am, your support is only a few keystrokes away.


Over a Year Now

May 04, 2008

Hey, y'all. Sorry it's been so long. There's been a lot going on lately.

In March I had my year's anniversary. I think my body is pretty much done with the major weight loss, and right now I just seem to be losing slowly. I'm down 230 pounds from my highest of 380 to my present weight of 150. My pants have gone from a 50 to a 27 and my shirts from an XXXXL to a M.

I've also decided to leave my home here in Alabama and to move to the Philippines with some family. How many chances in life does one get to change everything physically, mentally and spatially in their life? This whole experiance has been a journey; I can't wait to see where it takes me next.

Right now, it's just time to sit back and enjoy life. I know there's still lots of work ahead, but I'm so thankful that I'm at a place where I can just stop, take a breath and enjoy myself.

Once again, thanks, everyone.

One Year Check-Up

Mar 23, 2008

Well, it's been a year since I was ripped from stem to stern and stapled back together.  And quite a year it's been.  I've had my setbacks and complications, but those have been overwhelmed by innumerable successes.  The following is a guage of my achievements.  Thanks to those on the OH message boards for this year anniversary questionnaire.

Starting Weight- 380
Surgery Weight- 330
Current Weight- 155
Goal Weight- 180
Revised Goal Weight- 150
Starting Sizes- 50" waist, XXXXL shirt
Current Sizes- 28" waist, M shirt

What was your biggest WOW moment?
I got into a pretty bad argument last November with some guy. He called me every name in the book, but he never called me a fat ass! I knew then that I was officially thin.  I wanted to thank him.

What are some goals you haven’t reached yet, but know that you will?
I never set many goals, but I'm pretty happy where I am. I would like to get my panniculus removed.

What are some things that you can do now that you couldn't a year ago?
Run. Climb. Be desired. I love it all.

What is your reward when you reach/ed your goal weight?
Probably a drink.

Do you have any regrets since your surgery?
None at all.

What has been the hardest thing to do since surgery?
The hardest thing has been reconciling my own mental image of myself with the new physical reality.

What are some complications that you’ve had?

What are some medical issues that have resolved since surgery?
Diabetes, high blood pressure, bad knees...

Name one bad habit that you’ve reverted back to since surgery.  
Being a total prick.

Is there anything you wish you would have done differently during your post-op journey?
I can't think of anything.

How has your weight loss affected your relationships with friends, family, spouse or significant other?
I've broken it off with my partner of three years (last August) and am just out dating and having fun. My friends and family have all been extremely supportive.

What is your favorite post op food? 
I never really cooked much. I do love egg drop soup now.

If you could pass along advice "been there, done that" to pre-ops, what advice would it be?
Be ready for every aspect of your life to change. Nothing will be the same. Embrace the experience.

I've decided to change everything in my life, down to my environment. I'm moving to the Philippines (where I was born) to start over completely new. Wish me luck, y'all!

Observations and Updates

Nov 21, 2007

Nobody told me when I got this surgery and lost enormous amounts of weight, that it wouldn't be just me going through these changes. The whole world around me seems to be changing as well.

Something that I'm not used to is being regarded as "hot." For 32 years, I was the funny fat guy. I was sweet. I was, at best, cute. Since I've lost weight, I've been called gorgeous, pretty, handsome, beautiful and hot. Not thoughts of my own, but others. Don't get me wrong. I don't see this as a problem. I love the attention. I love being cruised. I still have a problem reacting to it the wrong way, though, with somewhat hilarious results...

Related to the above paragraph (as some roll their eyes at the list of adjectives I wrote), I have always been a confident person. My self esteem has always been high and I have always thought well of myself. Why, when I considered myself good-looking when I was 380 pounds, peoples' reactions were, ahh... Good for him. He's got good self esteem. Now, at 180, if I say I think that I'm good looking, people roll their eyes and say, what a conceited fuck. Same person. Same comment. Different reaction.

Another thing I've had to watch is my sense of humor. I have a really dry and sarcastic sense of humor and used to be able to say things that were, well, forgiveable because people thought they were coming from an overweight, obviously bitter individual (although I was never bitter.) Now, no one feels sorry for me and I have to watch what I say. When I make the same jokes I'm just plain an asshole.

I sometimes forget how physically different I am and am surprised by it. At work today, a guy had his truck tailgate open for us to sit on during break. When I sat on it, the truck didn't groan and the tailgate didn't settle mere inches from the ground. It barely moved! The others I was with didn't notice, but I smiled a bit myself. Yesterday, I was laying with my boyfriend on his sofa. My head was on his stomach and I kept asking if he could breathe all right. Finally, he just yelled, "You're not 380 pounds anymore!" with a laugh.

Update wise, this boyfriend is a new one. My partner of three and a half years and I broke up in August. It had little to do with my weight loss, but it was a relationship that was pretty much over months before I ended it officially. I just wanted to enjoy life as a new single, then I go and meet someone a couple of months ago who I could really fall for. I'm kind of angry (not) that he made me cut my single escapading shorter than I wanted it to be (I'm 32 now. How many more can I have?) but he just might be worth it.

As I said before, I'm down to 180 now and am kind of concerned. This is the weight I wanted to be when I had my tummy tuck and I didn't think I'd be there until at least the beginning of next year. Being 5'9, my ideal weight is 165. So, I figured with the removal of 10-15 pounds, I'd be right there. But I haven't been referred or anything to a plastic surgeon yet. And I'm still losing 3-5 pounds a week. I'm almost concerned that it won't stop (I know it will one day), and that when I have my surgery, I'll end up looking like Nicole Richie circa 2006.

Sorry to be long winded, but I just had to bring these observations up.  I want to thank everyone here for their support and wish you all a great Thanksgiving. (I'll have my egg drop soup and stuffing ready.)

I'm Half the Man I Was

Nov 04, 2007

Just two weeks after crossing under the 200 pound mark for the first time since, probably, high school, I weighed today to see that I am at 190. That is exactly one half of my weight a year ago of 380. Yay!

That makes 190 lost total, and 140 since my surgery in March. I am down to a size 30 pant and a L/M shirt, depending on the cut.

I first used to say that I'd be happy at 220, but I passed that. Then I set a preliminary goal of 200. Passed that. My official goal, where I want to get before having the excess removed, is 180. At the rate I'm losing (4-5 pounds a week) I expect to be there before Thanksgiving. My nutritionist and others say I may, after surgery, see numbers like 150 for myself. Wow. I'm turning out to be a little guy underneath all this fat, so I should be able to work it.

Just a quick update, everyone. I wish everyone else continued success!

Under 2 C's

Oct 21, 2007

Today is a big day for me. I weighed myself and saw that I am out of the 200's for my first time EVER as an adult. I probably haven't been one-something since high school. But I looked down at that scale today and, BAM, 199.

A year ago at this time, I weighed 380 pounds. I was 31 and was starting to develop problems prevalent in my family, like diabetes and high blood pressure. My doctor and I talked about it and we decided that I should try for weight loss surgery, a gastric bypass.

Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Alabama presented me with a ton of hoops to jump through, as well as my surgeon's required weight loss. But, by March of this year, I was down fifty pounds (to 330) and scheduled for surgery on the nineteenth. It's all been downhill from there.

Let me just say, I am not a champion of this surgery. I weighed the risks of getting it and not getting it, and I made my decision. I never suggest that anyone needs to get it; they should see for themselves if they want a life-changing, permanent replumbing. It is a personal decision, and I only influenced my own.

Yesterday was my seven month anniversary, and my weight loss has been twice what the average person sees. I have lost 131 pounds in seven months and 181 total from my highest. I work my ass off for the continued weight loss, hiking and biking whenever I get the chance. I realize that if I slip back into those old habits, that I can gain it all back. And life is too good for me ever to go back.

I'm lucky to be surrounded by friends and family who have been as supportive as they have, and I love and thank you all. My old personal goal was 180, but I've been told by my nutritionist that I may be looking at numbers more like 160. I'm only 5'9" and small framed, so that is where I should be.

And thank God for such good insurance where I work.

(Copied from a myspace blog entry on the same date.)


Six Months Out

Sep 23, 2007

My surgery happened just over six months ago, on 19 March. I was 330 at the time (380 at my highest) and am now just over 200, for a loss of just under 130 pounds and a total loss of about 180. My doctor and I are continuing discussions related to a future full body lift.

Now that the summer heat is all but done with, I've reintensified my workouts. They slowed after my gall bladder removal in the beginning of summer. I bike or mountain hike just about daily now, and I've been able to completely change my eating habits (the Chinese restaurant people nearby now know me as the "Egg Drop Soup Guy" and not the "Egg Foo Yung Guy.") It's amazing how easy it is to hike up a mountain with more than 100 pounds off my back. And I'm cold all the time, too. I am dreading the prospect of an unusually cold winter.

I do try to keep in mind that it isn't the number on the scale that's important. I only weigh myself about once a month. It's all about my health and how I feel.

I can only hope that the next six months will be just as successful and exciting.

One Hundred... Gone

Aug 01, 2007

I am proud to say that I have lost just over 100 pounds since my surgery in March, and over 150 from my highest in September of last year.  I'll happily pat myself on the back, especially now that I can easily reach it.

I'm wearing XL shirts now and my 34's that I just bought a week and a half ago are starting to get loose.  I tell you what, thank God for Steve and Barry's and Rugged Wearhouse.

My doctor smiles now when he walks into the room to see me. He used to have this look of disappointment whenever he saw me. We are beginning to discuss options for a tummy tuck. I'm wanting to get down to 180 first, so maybe the beginning of next year.

My weight loss is faster now than in the beginning and is steadily increasing, but I expect that to slow down as I get closer to my ideal weight. I get a lot of "attention" at work now, something I was never used to in the past. When people call me handsome or cute, I believe it now. I can see that they're really being sincere.

I also know of about two others at my company (of only about 350) who are in the six month program now. Two others have received references to my surgeon from me. I'm proud to be the first ever with the company (founded 2000) to have had the surgery through our insurance plan. HR says that I'm a case study. Pretty much everyone there knows what I had done, and I'm never afraid to discuss it.  Why should I be?

About Me
Seattle, WA
Surgery Date
Feb 05, 2007
Member Since

Friends 66

Latest Blog 17
