May 25, 2009

The clock is ticken...and tomorrow is my RNY.....can I say a OMG!!!!! I am having a hard day today....just on clear liquids...belch. I have been on a liquid diet for 10 days now 10.......I am starving.

My fiance just made a homemade pizza and I swear I am ready to call off the surgery to have a slice....smells so good!!!! But I won't do that. This journey I am going on is more important than any food I could ever put in my mouth. I just can not wait til I get to the weeks into my  journey that I can have pureed food.....yuck at the thought really...but it has more fullness than liquid.

Cool part is that I won't even really be hungry. ...OK I can't wait to I get to the point in my journey that I can eat solids.....that is still awhile out.....but ehhh...I am just really hungry and I am on here distracting myself. I can not ruin my chances at getting surgery now. That would be so not OK. I don't think I ever want to do a ten day liquid fast again.....I know I am going to stay on liquids for a week or two after wls.......but I know then I won't have this gnawing hunger. This is truly a test!

So I am scared. I am worried. I am nervous. I am excited. I am wishing that I can just fast forward my life to when I reach goal. But I do need to experience this journey. I have so much to do for tomorrow. I have to pack. I have to take off my nail polish...shave my legs...do all my upkeep. I have to tidy my house some more :) Because after surgery I want to concentrate on getting better and stronger and walking...and losing!


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 8
Got the call today! 12/12/08
