Time Flies!!

Mar 08, 2013

This April will be 9 years.....hard to believe, I am back down to 202 and starting to look into corrective body surgery for the end of this year.  That will be my final transformation.  I haven't looked at my before pictures in a long time, but had to show them to a surgeon this past Wednesday and it finally started to sink in how much I have changed.  I still have a hard time seeing it, but I think if I can have the corrective surgery I will be able to appreciate what I have done!


7 Years.....Really??

Jul 01, 2011

Well, I must say I was shocked when I received an email from OH about my 7 year anniversary...I could not believe it has been that long, I will say that I have gained a few pounds back, but I have started losing them slowly again.  My lowest weight was 194 which was 130lb loss, but then I went up to 233 which put me at 91lb loss.  I have currently dropped back down to 223, so I am back to 101lb loss, which is still good to me!!  I intend to keep going with it and get some more pounds off soon!!  My problem is my lack of exercise which was an issue from the very beginning.  I am still in 16/18 and happy with that, compared to being in a size 28, I am REALLY happy with 16/18!!  I can even buy 14/16 at some stores, but not too often! 

I will get on track and try to get myself motivated again!!

Older Posts

Jul 01, 2011

I am one week post op and I have finally gotten rid of all of the swelling and an extra 2 pounds! I am having some trouble with the full liquid portion, I am not hungry enough to eat 6 meals a day, but I know that I have to in order to get enough protein! Hopefully things will get better!

May 7, 2004
I am still having a hard time with the protein and now I keep getting a funny taste in my mouth and no matter how many times I brush my teeth or scrub my teeth, it still won't go away! I don't know if it is the medicine or the protein shakes, but whatever it is I hope it goes away very SOON!

May 13, 2004
2 Weeks Post op and I have lost 17 pounds already! I know now that it was all worth it and this protein (yuk) shake phase will be ending soon!!!!

May 25, 2004
Wow, tomorrow will be one month already!!! So far I have already lost about 30 lbs!! What a great journey so far, I never realized how much I wasn't able to do before, I have been a happier person! I can exercise again without hurting! Pureed foods are not my favorite, but that phase is only for one more week! At least food has flavor now!!!!

June 24, 2004
Already 8 weeks and I am down 42.5 pounds!!!! I can't believe how fast time and passed and I am learning to adjust to all sorts of food!! My clothes are starting to fit again and I can't even begin to tell you how good that feels. I would do it all over again and I tell anyone that is interested what a big difference this surgery makes in your life. My husband is a lot happier, he has been so attentive to me again and it feels like we just started dating yesterday!! My attitude is really starting to take a turn for the BETTER!!!!

July 26, 2004
Well it has been three months so far! I am coping very well! I weighed in this morning and I am down 59.5 pounds!!!! I can't believe the difference already! I am finally starting to see some differences in my appearence that I could not see before, I just didn' realize how bad off I was! I can't believe that it has been 3 months already, it feels like yesterday when I was complaining about the full liquid phase, time has been going by so quickly!

August 2, 2004
It is official today, I am at the lowest weight that I have ever been after all of my dieting, I weighed in this morning at 254.5lb!!! I was about 256lbs when I got married and I gained so much since then, I feel better than ever now! And I am down 62 1/2 pounds and I am finding all sorts of clothes in my closet that I forgot I had!! It really feels great!

October 30, 2004
It has been a while since I have posted anything! I am now 6 months post op and I can't believe how fast time has gone by! I am down to 224 (-93 lbs) and I can't ever remember a time when I was growing up that I was at that weight. I still have a ways to go, but this has all turned out so much better than I ever expected it too. My co-workers treat me differently, my mother-in-law might actually like me now (she is a little superfiscial) and my husband is more attracted to me than ever! We are talking about trying to have children (in another 5 months) and I am trying to keep a positive attitude that everything will work out!! I only have 8 more pounds to join the Century Club and I am so excited!! I remember back to about a year and a half ago and think about the first surgeon I went to and how I kept getting denied by the insurance company. I do not ever wish that heartbreak on anyone and if you do have trouble, keep your hopes alive and keep fighting!! I almost gave up and I don't know where I would be right now if I had let myself quit fighting!

March 9, 2005
I just recently celebrated my 10 month anniversary, I am now down to 202 lbs, I have lost a total of 115 lbs so far, but I still want to lose more. I feel myself slipping sometimes and that scares me, I don't want this to ever be reversed and gain the weight back again. I am now buying size 12/14 clothes and that really amazes me! I still have a hard time seeing the difference sometimes, but I am gradually coming around, if I could just get rid of my stomach and hips I would feel a lot better. My birthday is coming up on the 25th of this month and this surgery was the best gift I could have ever given myself!

June 5, 2005
Last night my husband and I went out with some old high school friends and for the first time in my life I wore a halter top and skin tight pants and it felt good to see people giving me the double glance!! I think it really excited my husband too! I don't know where I would be right now if I had not been able to have this surgery!! I have finally dropped down to 194, only a couple more pounds and I will finally have a NORMAL BMI!!! I am also in a size 12/14, which is so strange to me, I pick up a large and I always say, that doesn't look like it will fit me, but then I try it on and it does!! It really makes me want to cry!! If anyone needs any emotional support while trying to get approved, let me know, I have been there and I do know how devastating it is to see everyone else so happy when you are being denied by the insurance companies. If only they would realize how much this surgery changes your life and your health, I don't think they would keep denying everyone!!


About Me
Baytown, TX
Surgery Date
Feb 22, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
4/26/04 - 2 Days before Surgery
4/28/05 - One Year Post Op, -120lbs!!! Unbelievable!!

Latest Blog 3
