3 Months Post-Op Check Up

Feb 28, 2012

Wow it has been 3 months already since surgery and I can't express how much better I feel. If anyone is reading this they are probably sitting here thinking, man doesn't this chick have anything bad to say? LOL Well I'll tell you I have had my bad moments, crazy moments but they are all behind me and not documented online. Part of growing and going through the mental stages pre-surgery. That was the hard road for me. Once I conquered those demons it free'd my soul. Literally, I felt the weight lift off my shoulder and was able to focus on ME!

Before I get too far off track here I need to tell you about my 3 Month Post Op Check up. I saw my nutritionist. My iron was low, my B12 was previously low but we got that back up by going and getting the B12 shot. I'll stick with that monthly. I think my iron is low because silly me wasn't paying attention to my coffee intake after taking my iron supplement. So I'm being careful and waiting 2 hours after my iron before drinking my decaf and of course no dairy or calcium! I've lost 71 pounds post op woohoo shout it from the roof tops!!!!  That makes a total of (drum roll.....) 96 pounds since August 27, 2011~~~woohoo~~~!!

Now I need to talk about slipping...I've slipped out of some of my habits and really need to get back into them. I need to get back to logging my food intake daily and get back to exercise! Those are my two goals and I need to get cracking before it gets too far out of control. I know my eating is ok but I need to make sure that I am getting everything my body needs daily. So...Priority! Food Logging and Exercise!

I will make an appointment 3 times a week, non-negotiable...exercise shall happen at these times no exceptions!

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