You name it, I have done it as far as weight loss. Pills, diet fads, fasts, hypnosis. I have lost 60 pounds naturally once,  then gained it all back, plus 40 pounds. Shamefully, I am at my max and have decided that I need help. I have family that got the gastric bypass surgery and after much research and inquiries, I decided it was the best option for me.

I looked into this proceedure 10 years ago and chickened out. Now, I feel it is safer and more easier to qualify for this surgery. I have no major health issues other than PCOS. My bloodword typically looks good. Of course it may not be a true reflection of how I am doing as I usually diet the week before my annual bloodwork.  

So what brought me here? I was judgmental at first and thinking anyone who got the surgery was "cheating". I figured I could do it alone and the only issue was that I lacked willpower. Well, it's been over 10 years and I am 395 pounds. So now I am about to be a part of the 400 pound club. Wake up call!!!!

Another reason I am here is a collection of many things- my couches, bed and floorboards being compromised by my weight. Also, the fact that my doctors scale doesn't register my weight. Or the fact I have to gestimate or scope out people in line at amusement park rides to see if they are bigger than me. I dred flights because I have to ask for an extender and get extra legroom because my hips barely fit in the seats

When you are this big, you develop thick skin. I am happily married but the mirror is deceiving. Try looking at yourself in photos or worse yet, videos. All I think of is fatness and food. My fat body and how food is my best friend. That consequence has seriously snuck up on me.

I am ready to change. For me, for my family and for YOU. I want you reading this to NOT make the same mistakes I did. I want you to be healthy and be here 20 years from now. Let's help each other be a part of the 2035 club. I plan to be around at that point, do you?

About Me
Atlanta, GA
Surgery Date
Jan 04, 2015
Member Since

Latest Blog 16
