Hello, I'm a non-smoker as of Jan.4,2007 at 6a.m. Since I quit smoking, being my 3rd time to quit, I've gained 48 pounds. I started this round out at 268 pounds before having my RNY. I just had my surgery June 1, 2010.

This surgery is an important one to have be sucessful for as soon as I loose 50-60 pounds, I have to go into a second surgery to replace both my arthritic eaten away hips. I need to walk with a walker because the pain is so intense.

My dream is to walk side by side, with my guy and have no pain, no walker and no cane. The only way for this to happen is to have this surgery work and my hip surgery to work.

I am pleading to all out there, please send your prayers to help me be a success.

Thank you very much!!




About Me
Yuba City, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 15, 2009
Member Since

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