
Nov 01, 2007

This week I am starting a ketotic diet that is required by Dr. Valin. There are are only 2 things I will be allowed to eat for 5 days: meat and non-caloric beverages (preferably H2O) Yeahhhh!!! Let me just express my excitment..............NOT!!!
Oh well, its only temporary. I can do 5 days. What really sucks about the whole thing is that Sat. is my birthday. I have to forego the cake this year (until after I go to the Dr's that is :)
Things are moving along......


Oct 26, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have great news and not-so-great news. First the great news......I got a date!!!! 12/3/07!! Soooooo soon!!!! So, I am really excited, and looking forward to this life changing surgery!
Also, the not-so-great news; when they were doing the ultrasound on my gall bladder this morning, they determined that I have no gall stones. My gall bladder looks totally healthy, according to them. But, they saw a "shadow" on my liver. They said it could be nothing, or it could be a cyst. Me no happy :(
So, I have to go in for a catscan probably next week sometime. 
Will update on this.

Got it going!!

Oct 25, 2007

I went for my initial consultation today at Dr. Valin's office! I spoke with Debbie, his nurse/wife. She was awesome! They really seem to be a good bunch. I asked about their death rate, and she was very honest with me. She actually was able to tell me about each death, and what exactly happened. I think honesty is ALWAYS the best policy. Some surgeons (cough cough Ehrlich cough cough), say that they have never had deaths, and I think its a flat out LIE! Its just not possible to have a big surgery center with NO deaths. Anyway, Valin was very upfront about it, and I appreciate that. 
Tomorrow I go for an abdominal ultrasound to check for gallstones. I actually hope that there are some there b/c then, insurance will pay for them to be removed. 
I have my psych. eval on Saturday with Dr. Chris Lodi. Its just the first meeting with him where I'll just be doing the test. Then I'll schedule my sencond meeting for the clinical interview. 
Yup, things are going! I am really hoping that I can get this surgery by the first week of Dec. The sooner the better. 


OK, Change DR Again!

Oct 23, 2007

I changed my DR again b/c Valin just seemed to have his crap together more than the other Dr's. i was able to do an information session online, which I though was really cool. He doesn't charge nearly as much as Ehrlich does, but its about $18,000. I can do that. So, I have started the process again with him. 

I am excited to just get the stinkin' ball rollin!!!! Anyway, I'll post again soon.

Staying the course!

Oct 15, 2007

Just wanted to drop a quick word.............I dropped Dr. Ehlrich because his price is way out of my range!!!! I cannot say a bad word about him, except that I think that he and The Floch's are shysters!!!

Anyway, Dr. Barba only wants to charge me $6500, and the hospital will be around $10,000, but I know insurance will pay for some of it b/c I'm having my gall bladder removed at the same time as the WLS. I am playing the waiting game right now. I'm just waiting for appointments. yada yada yada

Step 2????

Oct 10, 2007

I went to a seminar last night where Dr. Ehrlch was hosting. I really enjoyed listening to him, and he was very nice. I think he's my guy!!!  hehe
Anyway, I have already made an appointment for my initial consultation with him this coming Monday. I canceled my Psyc. eval for now b/c I want to use a person recommended by Dr. Ehrlich. I am a little daunted by how much the actual surgery costs with him, though...............$27,000!!!! Who the hell can afford that?!?!?! Anyway, I am going to move forward with this anyway in hopes that something will come my way. Will post again soon!


More Bumps......

Oct 08, 2007

I am pretty much back to step #1. Dr. Bell decided that he doesn't want to work with me, eventhough I would be paying out of pocket. His staff was VERY UNhelpful, and RUDE!!! 
I am very surprised by this because everyone seems to speak soooooo highly of him. Anyway, I am back to trying to find another surgeon. Will post l8er. 


Bumps in the Road

Oct 03, 2007

I have hit a few bumps.....
Anthem has added an exclusion onto my insurance policy. The exclusion is for WLS. SUCCKKKK..............
So, won't pay for my RNY. But........they will pay for my gall bladder to be removed. So I'm working something out with the doctors office so that I won't have to pay for the whole surgery. This way I know that some things could be paid for by insurance. I'm just waiting to hear back from Dr. Bell's office. Maybe this is sort of a blessing in disguise?!?!? This way I don't have to jump through all the insurance hoops, and I could get my surgery quicker. We'll see......just though I'd post about it.


Nutrtional Eval.

Oct 01, 2007

Hi everyone. I had my nutritional evaluation today. It went very well, and it was exactly what I expected. I have read some interesting stuff about the psychological eval which I look forward to on Oct. 12th. 
The closer I get to this surgery, the more I know I need it. And, the more excited I get. I cannot wait to be able to look back at these posts one day on the 'other side'  I just want everything to speed up!!! It sucks just waiting here for all my appointments! 
Anyway, TTFN!

Got Insurance!!!

Sep 24, 2007

Hi everyone! 
Things are moving along....My husband and I just signed up for a Anthem BC/BS plan. I haven't yet submitted anything to them, but I will let you all know when I do!
I have an appointment for my Nutritional evaluation on Oct. 1. Then, I have an appointment for my  Psychological evaluation on Oct. 12th. I also made an appointment with my OB/GYN who is going to give me a referral for Dr. Bell (at least I hope.) Its sooooo hard being patient at this point. I know that I am changing my entire life by doing this procedure, and I can't wait!!! 
Last night I was just looking at everyone's before, and after pics and I have to say how very inspiring it is!!! I love it! I can't wait until I can put my own before and after's on there. I must say that some of you out there make Gastric bypass look good!!!! I am seriouly impressed. I love you all for your willingness to share with us your experiences. 
I said a prayer not long ago about having the surgery. I decided to put everything into Heavenly Father's hands. Its all in his hands anyway, but this in particular. My philosophy is that 'If its meant to be, it will be.' Its sorta like my mantra. And that is how I have been feeling about this surgery. In my heart, though, I know that though I may have some bumps in the road along to my future self, I am going to have this surgery and get there. Someday, I will look back at these posts and remember haw far I have come. I cannot wait for my new life to start, and I love OH.

Tah tah for now!

About Me
Waterford, CT
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 22
Shame on Me!!!
Going Down
Just Truckin'
Home Sweet Home
Adversity & The Big Day!!
IVC Filter
Just Waiting........
Day 4 of this ?!@@**%^&* diet!
