9 Month check in...

Sep 03, 2012

Well I went for my 9 month check up on August 24th. I was 203 by their scale and 202 by mine. My Doctor said that I have lost 70% of my body weight and that I have meet, his expectations for my surgery, but I'm not done! He told me that only 1% meet there goal weight, I may not make to, what my perfect weight is for my body type, but I know that I will make to what is happy for me and I'm not there yet. So I have 3 month's until my next visit, and the will be my one year check in, I plan to prove to him that I'm not just a number and I CAN and WILL be in a different % I may never lose 100%, but I plan on getting as close as I can. I'll be happy with 80 to 90 I mean that not far from 70%, so I'm off to prove that I am more than just a number. :OI have gone from 355 in September 2011 to 199 as of today. I'm super proud and even, if I have my bad day's I know that deep down, I'm doing great! Looking forward to what the next 3 months hold.

6 Month update

May 28, 2012

I went May 22nd for my 6 month post-op visit....was little sad that I didn't make my goal, but I did lose, so that was a plus! The doctor and staff all said I was doing great and that I was on target so at least that was good to hear. I hate being a stair step loser..I lose 5 and then lose 1 or none for a week or two and then lose 5...it gets a little frustrating sometimes. I want to get to that goal weight so bad that it's killing me!! lol But I know it will happen, just going to take me being less critical of myself and just take it day by day. Well that's all I got, maybe by my next visit in 3 months I will be at least a little closer to losing that last 66 pounds.

12 Week Post-OP Check up

Feb 21, 2012

I had my 12 week check up yesterday and tomorrow I will be 3 months out from surgery. I got an A+ from my Doctor, so you can't ask for more than that. I have lost a total of 97 pounds, I was really trying to be at 100 lost, but I'll take the 97 any day!! This is the most weight I have lost at one time ever and I'm so happy! I have set my next new goal. I don't have another appointment for 3 month's, and I am going to shoot for 60 pounds by the time I go back, that will also be my 6 month anniversary, I think its a good goal, but at the same time, I will be happy if I just loser 50. I just happy to finally be, in the loser club! :O) In September I weighed 355, now 258 and proud of it! :O)

Feb Update

Feb 07, 2012

Well I have been doing ok, I'm not sure what to expect yet, so I'm still in a seek and find area. I had my Surgery on Nov. 22nd 2011 and I have lost 62 pounds with a 29 loss before surgery, so a total of 91 and I feel good, but have a guilt of eating sometimes. I feel like I'm doing bad somedays, and others I feel like I'm doing great. So like I said, still learning. Have a great Valetines Day!  

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Jan 25, 2012
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