feeling discouraged

Nov 29, 2011

I've been stuck in the house in a cast for 4 days now and I feel like i'm getting fatter by the minute. I can't really walk around at all and i've been rolling around the house in my computer chair because the crutches are too hard to use. I can't take a shower, and holding my head over the tub to try and wash my hair is really difficult. I just feel gross all the time. I dont know how i'm going to do this for the next 7 weeks.

I'm unsure if I should even ask my PCP about WLS while i'm in the cast. I want to get the process going right away but what's the point if they cant even weigh me? Plus it's not like I can drive myself to doctor appointments at the moment. I dont know. I'm just embarrassed and really don't even want to ask her about it at all. The last couple times i've seen her, usually because I had a cold and needed a note for work, she's wanted me to do bloodwork and a pap smear and I tell her I will schedule them, but then I don't because I don't want to believe I have any health problems. Which I don't think I do...but you never know. Every time I go to the doctor my blood pressure is normal, even when I went into ER with my broken foot, so I guess that's good.


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concord, CA
Nov 29, 2011
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