8/21/06  Had Initial consultation today with Dr. Howard Simon. Saw the nutritionist today and was put on a program to slow down the eating and chewing.

8/24/06  I have an appointment for Bloodwork on the 29th of this month with my PCP.

8/25/06  Made an appointment today for psych eval for September 19th. Also have my next appointment at the Syracuse Bariatric Clinic for September 25th.
9/12/06  bloodwork results sent to bariatric clinic.
9/15/06 recieved a prescription in mail from bariatric clinic for a prev pac seems i have some kind of bacteria in my intestines
9/19/06 Went for psych eval today and was given the green light apptment was at 10:00 am and i was out to my vehicle by 10:19 am.weighed myself today and lost 10 pounds since last visit to clinic.

9/25/06  Had 2nd appt. todayall tests have been completed and the nurse practitioner said all we have to do now is wait for insurance approval!

10/14/06 Recieved letter from  Insurance Company and have been approved! Just waiting now for a surgery date.

11/7/06 I have a surgery date of 2/8/07 seems like a long way away.

About Me
Redwood, NY
Jul 11, 2006
Member Since
