Below 200lbs, thought it would never happen

Sep 23, 2009

Well I hit 199 yesterday and boy did it feel good. That has been one of my major goals to go below 200 lbs.  I have about 40 lbs to go. It has slowed down alot, which I would think is normal.  It is weird, when I sweat, I lose.  I will sweat for no reason and the scales move when I do. There is nothing wrong as for health, because all blood work came back great. So now that I see a trend at sweating, I am excited to drip sweat now!!!!!!! Next goal is 179, twenty more pounds!!!!!!  
1 comment

The stall has unstalled

Aug 27, 2009

After about a month stall, the scales are finally moving again.  It is nice weighing in the morning and seeing those scales move! I have lost 64 lbs.  I just think about going below 200, that is going to be a major milestone for me.  I have 7lbs before the scales hit 199. I am planning on a big celebration as soon as that happens.  I did dump for the first time this week and boy was that not fun!  I had been really busy all day and had only drank a protein smoothie. I ate a small salad for dinner and about 45 min's later I got really sick. I started feeling nauseated, dizzy, about to pass out, sweating really bad.  I laid down for about an hour and it passed. As I was laying there, my 3 year old was rubbing my head telling me she loved me.  So I must have looked pretty green!

the big 50

Jul 14, 2009

My how the pounds are going, going and gone! I have now lost 50 pounds since surgery. Easy Peazy. I am doing great!!! I feel good. Went to the nutritionist and I am doing everything I am suppose to be doing--well maybe a little more exercise wouldn't hurt!!!!

The big 40

Jun 15, 2009

Well I have hit the big 40 lb loss today!!!!!! Yippeee. It seems to be coming off all over the body and not just one place. Which is good. I can tell in my clothes but not really by looking at myself. My family say they are really starting to notice it. It hasn't been hard--well I take that back. When the scales don't move for a week, it is hard.  I seem to lose for a week and then stall for a week.  I can eat just about anything I want. Still haven't really eaten pasta or much rice.  The key is not overloading.  I am getting about 70-100 grams of protein in daily which is good. I live for my smoothie king smoothies. I don't know what I would do without being able to get my 45 grams of protein in at one pop. I do not regret having this done at all, wish I could have done it sooner.  


Apr 28, 2009

Went to the doctor today and had lost 18.5lbs plus 3 lbs before my surgery which equals to 21.5! yea!!!!!!


Apr 26, 2009

I am doing much better and no longer say "what have I done to myself". As soon as the energy came back I am thinking this is a wonderful thing I have done for myself.  I am rarely hungry.  I now survive on beans and cheese from taco bell. I used to hate that place but the beans and cheese are pretty darn good! The first week I dropped like 15-18 pounds. My scales haven't moved very much since, which is bothering me. As little as I am able to eat, why have they not moved.  I can only eat about 1/2 cup of food at one time. I drink water all day long and I find that is getting easier, but the scales need to move, pronto.


Apr 26, 2009

Ok finally some soup. I ate some cream of potato and oh my gosh it was sooooo good. Started the vitamins too. About 2 hours after I ate I started feeling soooo much better. Drank my yummy shake. I can only handle the Carnation ones. The others are I can no stomach too well.  I drink the protein mix from Kelloggs that go in your water too. 


Apr 26, 2009

The first 5 days were really really hard. I wasn't hungry, I did want Easter dinner. I couldn't drink any broth. That is some nasty stuff. The only thing I could drink is the juice from Chicken Noodle soup. Apple Juice (of course it was unsweetened) was really good too. I can handle the pain but the weak feeling was very hard.  I had no energy at all. Everytime I tried to get up and walk to the bathroom I was "give out". If I take a shower, I have to lie down as soon as I get out. I am a pretty energetic person so that part was very hard for me.


Apr 26, 2009

It is my birthday and I feel so much better. I am ready to spring this joint. I got my first popsicle and water. I don't want anything to eat at all. I can't believe they want me to drink 64 ounces of water when a 1/4 cup makes me feel so full. I go home and my family has birthday cards and balloons for me. I didn't hurt very much, just really sore from the incisions. Ate a couple bites of jello and that is all I could get down. Trying very hard to drink as much as possible.


Apr 26, 2009

Today is the big day! I am excited one minute and having doubts the next. I know this is normal and I have been listening to too many family members talk of stories they have heard. As I sit in the waiting room at the hospital I question myself as to having the lap band instead of the gastric. When they call me into the pre surgery room my nurse, who I do so appreciate tells me it isn't too late to change my mind, but I should remember why I am having this surgery and chose the gastric over the lap. Now I am fine.  
After surgery I was soooooo sick. I was throwing up alot of fresh blood and was so nauseated.  When the nurses called my doctor he assured them I was ok, I had oozed during surgery and it would stop.  And it did.  I thought "what the heck have I done to myself". The nurses kept bugging me to walk. However I was so sick and I kept promosing them I wasn't a whinney baby. When I finally agreed and stood up and starting getting sick again, they quickly layed me back down. After being so sick for about 12 hours I finally walked for them. I was sooo ready to feel better and go home. 

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Apr 26, 2009
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