My Journey

Jun 01, 2012

10/28/11 Consultation with Dr. Warnock
11/18/11 2nd appointment
12/16/11 3rd appointment
1/13/12 4th appointment
1/20/12 Psych Evaluation
2/17/12 5th appointment
3/16/12 6th appointment

As you can tell, insurance requires me to be under a doctor's care for six months. My six months are done! I'm so excited!!!! Debbie requested the last two years worth of my medical records from my primary care physician last week. She says I should know whether or not I'm approved in about 3 weeks. 

It's been 3wks now! I called Debbie today and she said they still have not received the information they requested 3weeks ago! I'm so upset with myself. Why didn't I check on this sooner? And why on earth hasn't my doctor's office sent my paperwork??? I went to the doctor's office and it took them about 2 minutes to print the requested info. I think they could tell I was NOT happy about this. I made a copy and put the info in the mail to Debbie today.

I called Dr. Warnock's office to make sure they got the paperwork I mailed. I didn't get to talk with Debbie but whoever answered the phone said they knew for sure my information arrived on the 7th.

I called BCBSTX and they said they still have not received my paperwork. I called Debbie but they said she must have patients in her office because she didn't answer her phone. I left my name and number but I never received a call back.

Still haven't heard anything back from Debbie. I called again today. I also emailed insurance and asked them if they have received anything yet. They should get back to me in 24 hours.

Insurance shows they still don't have my paperwork. I called Debbie and actually got to talk to her today. She said there is a note on my file that says "Waiting on Weight Watcher's info." I explained to her that someone from her office called my 2 or 3 months ago and asked if I had ever gone to WW. I told her yes. Many times. She said that she thought that might contribute to my time under a doctor's care but it had to be in the last year. I told her that I was sure that it had been over a year since my last WW try but if by some chance I could find something in the last year, I'd send it in. I asked Debbie if she needed that before she could send my paperwork to insurance and she said no. I thought to myself....well then why are you waiting on it then??? She apologized. Since she didn't need anything else. I'm hoping that she is sending it in FINALLY!!!! I'm going to stay in touch with insurance and hopefully this is the last obstacle. I understand I'm not the only patient Debbie has to deal with but I'm really kinda disheartened that I've had so much trouble getting my paperwork submitted. Granted it wasn't all Debbie's fault. I've learned over the years that you have to speak up about your health. This is just one more example of that.

5/30/12 I emailed insurance AGAIN! I asked them one more you have my paperwork yet? I don't have a lot of faith of hearing back from Debbie. So, I figured if I just keep checking with insurance then I will only have to "bother her" if my paperwork hasn't been received. I should have an answer in 24 hours. I hope and pray that they have received my paperwork. We'll see. 

5/31/12 I have a date! I was SOOO not expecting this. I just wanted to know that they received my paperwork.  I'm in total shock. I got my email answer from yesterday's request and it said that insurance approved my surgery on the 25th and that they have mailed a letter to me and to my doctor's office. I had to read the email like 5 times because I was so shocked that I had been approved so fast. I called Debbie and the woman who answered to phone told me that Debbie would have to call me back. Debbie called while I was in my boss' office discussing when would be a good time for me to take off from work. We set the date right then. It's only two weeks away!!!! Is this really happening? After all this time is it really going to happen for me? I feel so blessed to work for a company who is so supportive of me having surgery and taking off work. My boss was so happy for me. My co workers who are going to have to take over my desk responsibilities while I'm gone have been super supportive too! And now insurance is has approved it? How blessed am I? I just can't get over it.


About Me
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2011
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