It begins...

Jun 24, 2010

I recieved the initial questionnaire in the mail today.  As I was filling it out, my hands were shaking.  I kept thinking what is some information I put on here stops the process?  What if they don't think I can have the surgery?  What will I do then? 
Since I decided to do this, I have felt in my heart that it is absolutely the right thing to do. Just the decision to go forward has given me such hope.  I continually remind myself of what I will have to do to make it work..and it's fine.  I keep having these conversations with my youngest daughter about the things we can do together when I am thinner and not so tired all the time.. when I am not in pain most of the time.  The look of anticipation on her beautiful face fills my heart with even more resolve to make this work.  But, I know that until it actually happens, I will  have these huge doubts that it will actually happen.  I have been so disappointed so many times in my life that I find it nearly impossible to believe in anything. 
Please Lord, keep me in the palm of your hand and help me through this new journey.  Give me the strength and the confidence I need to see it through and to the doctors and the procedure..and in myself.  My Faith in you, Lord, sees me through.  Amen


About Me
Salem, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2010
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