Going back quite a few years I was skinny.  When I moved out on my own (19), I started to gain alittle weight.  When I started to have my kids i was 25 and lost weight threw my preg. but i still had a healthy baby.  After my first i gained the weight back and this is what happened with my other 2 preg. as well.  Now at the age of 35, my children being at the ages of 10, 9, and 3 I weigh in at 305 pounds which is the heaviest that i have ever been.  

Not only do i suffer greatly but so does my family.  I am a single mom and can't do physical things with them due to pain and asthma and other things that are going on.  

I am hoping that OHIP will approve the surgery for the states and i can get my life back and enjoy doind the things that i like to do.

About Me
Sep 24, 2007
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