
Hurry up and wait

Aug 17, 2009

Well  i went  to the  PCP  and  was  very  adament  with  him  i  was to be  taken seriously  about  my  request  for  WLS> I brought in  my  huge  three  ring  binder of total research and I laid everything out for him  to see that i meant  business.  At  first  he  was trying  to disuade me  about  it , like it's a  2  year  diet  ,and  that  these  insurances  will deny  more  than approve.  Then  he  entered  my  wt into his  computer and realized my BMI and  changed his  tune.

So  let me  introduce myself, my  name is Laura  and  I have struggled with my  weight  all  my  life.  I turned  40 years  old in April  and  when i  woke  up on  my  birthday i realized  i needed to make a change.  I felt  a lot  of things  that were wrong health  wise  and  be  being  put  off  for the  last  two  years  from  PCPs  who  are against   WLS  was one  of the things  that  was  seriousloy  wrong.

 My  school  district  had  open  enrollment  and  had   the chance  to change  my insurance and present the  Sleep  study  i  had  with my  other  insurance and  my  CPAP  was documented proof  i  had a  co-morbidity   So  he  put  the  referral  through  for  a  dietition  to set  up  the  first  obsticle  course  to  begin  my  journey  for  WLS.

From  what  i  understand  after  talking  with  my  insurance carrier, Anthem Blue Cross Californiacare HMO  it  is a 6  month  diet to be referred to a  surgeon.  I  have to check in with  the dr  once a  month  and  go  to these classes with  the dietition/nutrionialist for  6  months.  They  didnt  tell me  yet  how  much  i have  to  loose  for it to be  approved and referred  starts the journey  so  hurry up and wait  wth  me!!!   until next  time............. 

About Me
victorville, CA
Jul 03, 2009
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