I am a 32 year old woman living in San Diego, CA. I am the mother of 2 precocious little girls, ages 2 and 4. I work full time at a job that I love, but I am also a full-time mom and full-time wife. This lifestyle has left little room for exercise, eating healthy and just generally taking time for ME. I wanted to start this blog to chronicle my weight loss surgery odyssey – my own journey to the end of the rainbow. I am starting my journey at a BMI of 41, and a weight of 273 – my highest weight EVER.

I have battled my weight for much of my life, starting at around age 10. My mother died of breast cancer when I was 9 years old, which lead to quite a bit of comfort eating. I was never really “fat” growing up – just “big boned”. I was tall (5’9”) and athletic. I was a champion swimmer and I swam from elementary school through college competitively. The swimming helped to keep my weight in check. But I was never skinny. I had a constant battle with food, but I was active enough to not have weighed more than 160 pounds while swimming.

After graduating from college, I found myself in the high-stress world of Corporate Sales. I am very good at my job, but much of it involves work behind a desk, long hours, a lot of travel and taking clients out to dinner. Much of my job revolves around food and alcohol – and I took full advantage. Over the last 10 years I have gained over 110 pounds.

And now, my journey over the rainbow begins….
