well, things change

Mar 15, 2007

My date has been moved back by one day, March 27th.. just goes to show you have to be flexible, when it comes to this surgery...

I was asked yesterday by my Dr. to look into a video camera and say "what would you say to yourself if six months from now you were having a rough day"?  I completly drew a blank..... but now thinking about here is what i would say

your doing this FOR YOU...... for your future to be more enjoyable and live to see your GREAT grandchildren.................. and wear better clothes  :)...


Mar 08, 2007

Well low and behold I have a new date.. March 26th... YIPPY..... things are in the running now.. I start my diet next Monday and I plan on having Outback and margarita's all weekend..... LOL.... I will try and keep my blogging up.. but I am running around like a mad woman... wish me luck ...............


Mar 03, 2007

Got a phone call today, been cleared by insurance company.... and low and behold can you believe the date I am looking at for the surgery... APRIL 3rd..... my very first date a year ago was April 4th..... I have come a long way in a year..... God willing I will be having it done in April... I am soooo ready, nervous and calm at the same time. keeping my fingers crossed as well, I don't get sick, some darn cold or something to prevent me from getting it... i am staying in the house and away from sick people...LOL.....

just waiting on approval

Feb 27, 2007

I am totally cleared with both Dr.'s now, my insurance should of been put in today, so we now wait and see what they say, let's hope I get the answer before the week's end, I am so ready to be on MY WAY , it's been almost a year since I started this journey, it's starting to get to me and darn it I REFUSE to buy new clothes....LOL.....

sleep study

Feb 08, 2007

Ok.. I got my sleep study done last night.. really it was a piece of cake and the SLEEP number beds are too die for..... just a bit of sleep apena was seen.. but in a week or so I see the Dr. and get the scoop if I am cleared for my surgery.. GOSH i hope.. and gosh darn it I can't stop itching from where the things were put on my skin.... AVEENO here i come... i hope it helps.....

About Me
fort richardson, AK
Surgery Date
Feb 08, 2006
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 5
well, things change
just waiting on approval
sleep study
