What have I done???

May 25, 2009

Okay, today is the first day I've thought "What have I done???"  Thing is it's only been 5 days since my surgery.  I have a wonderful husband who has been taking care of our 3 boys to let me rest and he's been cooking some wonderful meals for them.  I want them to eat but I find myself wanting so badly to eat with them!    I know I can't drink much of anything at this stage let alone eat "real food", so I find myself wonding what in the world I have done to myself. 

I was told I'd get to this point but I didn't think it would be so soon after my surgery. 

On the other hand I have been able to keep better tabs at what I do drink and it appears that I've done a lot better!  I've increased my protein intake as well as my liquids.  So one point for me!   


Thank you God!

May 24, 2009

Well, I had my surgery and thank God I made it!  I think I've been a little off since being home.  I have no energy but am taking my vitamins as instructed.  After reading a few things on OH I realized I haven't been keeping up with what I'm drinking!  I'm on a liquid diet for 2 weeks but by the end of these 2 weeks need to be able to get in 400-600 calories; 50-60 grams of protein & 5-6 8 oz. glasses of liquids per day.  At the rate I'm going I won't make that goal at all.  So starting today (what's left of it anyway) I'm going to start keeping a journal of all that I take in!  I'm looking forward to a very healthy life!



May 11, 2009

Well, I've started my liquid diet and am not so sure I can stick to it as strictly as I should!  I'm gonna give it my all this last week and a half and try to keep my head on straight!  LOL!  I have 3 little boys ages 8, 5 & 4 and I'm not so sure how to tell them about why I'm not going to be home for at least one night.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! 

Surgery date...

Apr 15, 2009


My insurance has approved the surgery for the Roux-en-Y and the date is May 20, 2009. 
I begin my 2 week liquid diet on May 6th.  I'm a little nervous about it and I'm sure my anxiety level will increase the closer the date becomes, but I really want this. 

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About Me
Lincolnton, NC
Surgery Date
Feb 07, 2009
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