Jan 05, 2009

2008 was an up and down year for me.
I had a good year as far as being happy.
I finished the year completing half of my schooling.
I am now a junior at Campbellsville University,
I have two years or maybe less to go.
I learned so much in school.
My life has been really good. Gordon and I act
like we are still dating. No one would know that
we have been married for years. We just love being
together and planning our future. We love thinking
about buying a new home. Our baby, Tony is now over 16!!!
that just seems unthinkable (if that is a word).
He is learning to drive and i just cannot believe that
he is growing up. I am now the grandmother of three beautiful
grandsons and soon to be another grandchild.
I pray that 2009 will be better than any other year. That is
saying alot because with Gordon, I have a wonderful life.
When i say its been an up and down year, i am talking
weight wise. I am exactly the same weight i was last year at this time.
I gained and I lost, i gained and I lost. I  want to loose again and stay
under 200 pounds. I am now 220. I want to stay under 200. I know
there are people who think that 200 is a lot of weight, some think I should
go for a lot less. I just know that I have lost over 150 pounds and I have
never felt healthier or better!!!!
i have some problems with eating sugar. I crave sweets like I have
never craved them in my life. I was never one to eat cake, pie or cookies.
Since surgery, I can not only tolerate them, I want them. But I have
to win this fight. I have to discipline myself. Just because I had weight loss
surgery, does not mean I cannot gain weight and not have an eating problem.
Obviously I had an eating problem or I would  not have gained so much weight.
I need to teach myself that just because I can eat something, does not mean
i have to eat and eat and eat it. because of this surgery, I am able to lead a
longer healthier life. I do not take insulin, I do not need the meds i was on before.
But i still have a battle within myself to substain from eating to much.
Yes, after wls, you can eat too much! little bits at a time, all day long..... that
is eating to much. I am so happy to have my little pouch, I do not want to abuse
it and stretch it. But it is a battle. But i am happier and healthier and things
are the best they have ever been!!!!
i love my family, I love my husband and I love my life!!!
Goodbye 2008...... Hello 2009!!!!


Dec 26, 2006

I am  looking forward to the coming new year. 2006 has been a wonderful year for me. I have been able to see a new side of myself. In january, I am going back to college and getting my degree and I feel confident that getting this surgery has saved my life. I can only see great things for me in my future and I haven't felt this way since I was a teenager. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband, family and friends here at OH.

About Me
southern Central, KY
Surgery Date
Jun 25, 2003
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