Ragui Sadek MD, FACS

"I can not say enough good things Dr. Sadek. To put it simply, this man saved my life... When I first met Dr. Sadek I was 574lbs, on unemployment and was one step from being bed ridden. I needed help and went to his free seminar at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. After meeting him I knew immediatly he was the right surgeon for me. He was personable, knowledgeable, and professional. That night I made an appointment and the journey began. Here I sit 17 months later...current weight 284lbs, 34lbs from the goal that I laughed at when Dr. Sadek set it. It seemed impossible... but he helped to make it a reality. I can not put into words my satisfaction with Dr. Sadek as a provider and as a person. I highly recommend him to anyone in the area in need of help. He will be there for you every step of the way, and will do all he can to ensure your success. If you would like to ask me any questions about Dr. Sadek email me at [email protected] I will gladly answer them."
About Me
wer, WV
Surgery Date
Dec 14, 2009
Member Since
