

Apr 30, 2008

I did very well yesterday. I am amazed at how things taste when I eat slow. There are so many flavors, that I don't normally get when I am shoveling in food. 

Today has been good and bad. It took me 20 minutes to eat a banana this morning. I did well at lunch, but then the vending machine called me and I didn't resist. I ate a snickers bar and now I want to throw it up. It just isn't sitting well in my body. 

I'll check back tomorrow.


Apr 29, 2008

I had my 5th appointment yesterday, 296 lbs. Over the 5 months, I have lost 2 lbs. I need to lose 13 kbs by May 15th. The weight is my last requirement before the Drs office submits for approval. It is going to be hard, but I will get there. 

I am going to use my food diary booklet from the center (this will be the first time). I am going to write everything down and do the behavior modifications. Also, I am going to start taking Metformin again to get my blood sugar level stable again. And, start exercising to burn all possible excess calories.

Behavior Modifications

Chew each bite 20 times.
Wait at least 1 minute, but strive for five minutes between bites.
Put the fork down between bites.
No liquids 30 minutes before, during, and an hour after eating. 
Eat slowly, meal time 20-30 minutes.


Apr 24, 2008

298.5 Just weighed myself upstairs. I don't feel good about myself. I crave candy and all the junk I know I am not suppossed to eat. I have my 5th weight in on Monday and I really have not lost any weight. I need to get down to 290  to show a loss. My original amount to lose was 15 lbs. So, I am going to have to put in an effort. Otherwise, they may tell me no, and I am not having that.


6 months is a really long time to say lose weight and keep it off. My fiance is also going to have the surgery and has started the process. He is two months behind me. So I will really be waiting 8 months before surgery is going to be scheduled.

Little Tidbit

Feb 11, 2008

I bought a new bra over the weekend. Unfortunately I wore it to work and after a couple of hours, discovered it was too small. I guess my other ones were really stretched out. Anyways, since I needed a bra on, I extended the band with paperclips. I looped the paperclip through the clasps and it gave enough of an extension, and surprisingly they are sturdy. Just a thought.


Feb 09, 2008

I went to my second support group meeting on 02/07. I really enjoy listening to everyone. 

On Wed, I had my psych eval. I had a bad experience. I was told, after most of the session was over there was going to be a $95 report fee, on top of my $35 co-pay. The Dr also wouldn't take CC! He has no one working for him. He told me to call his billing department myself! I would definately not recommend him to anyone.

I have managed to go to the gym a couple of times this week. I really have to start buckeling down though. I haven't been drinking enough water. My calf was cramping up during my water aerobics yesterday.

My PCP called. I have the bacteria whicha causes ulcers. I have no symptoms but had to spend $60 on Rx to get rid of the bacteria.


Jan 31, 2008

I feel so uncomfortable in my skin today. I went back up to 299lbs. So tonight I am going to the gym. My realistic goal is to get down to 290lbs by Feb 25th for my second weigh in.




How to get to my goal:




  1. Drink 64 oz of water at work everyday.
  2. Go to the Gym, 5-6 days week.

Water Aerobics




  1. Caloric Intake between 1200-1500 Calories a day.




I have so many clothes in the next size smaller. I want to get into them. I would like to wear my winter clothes in the smaller size one more time.

What I have done so far.

Jan 31, 2008

My initial consultation was in December. In December I sat through the consultation with the nut, the dietician, and the DR. I weighed 298. I had my first weigh in on Jan 17 when I weighed in at 296. I went to a support meeting last Thursday. I have been looking on the boards since the 24th.

About Me
Syracuse, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2008
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