It's been a minute since I last wrote.

Jul 25, 2012

Well, I got my dates! I was so excited when I finally got them I was doing a happy dance. They were scheduled for September 10th for my PAT and September 25th for my surgery. They I got another call from the scheduler and she wanted to see if I was willing to change the dates. My heart sank into my chest, would they really push me back further. I was worried. They she said she had a few openings for August 14 for PAT and August 29th for surgery. I was so relieved! And of course I jumped at the chance to have it sooner. I am so excited and anxious that the day won't come soon enough. After 3 years of waiting and trying to find the right doctor, this really is going to happen!! This time next year I will be healthier then I currently am. I will be able to walk without pain and I can stop most if not all my meds. I can't wait!

Sent to scheduling

Jul 09, 2012

Well it was just sent to scheduling  early monday morning. So how I am just waiting to receive the call. I can't wait. I am nervous and excited and impatience all at once. I don't know which is more prominate. All I know is it can't come soon enough for me. I know Dr Pop has to approve everything first and then they figure out copays and they schedule, but I think I will lite a fire under their seats. I will wait until Wednesday first though. I have to give more than one day. So I think the 3rd day is good. Don't you? Wish me LUCK!! 

Moving right along!

Jul 06, 2012

I got my letter(s) for approval today. Only because I called insurance and had them faxed to me. I was to impaiticent to wait another day.  I wanted this to move along. So I helped. Hehe!

What a GREAT day!

Jul 02, 2012

 So, I have been stressed to say the least. Slightly boarding on going crazy! I called insurance the other day and they had nothing new to tell, other then they would call when/if I got approved. Well anyone who knows me knows I have NO patience whatsoever. And so while I was at work (no....I couldn't wait) I called the hospital's insurance specialist to see if they had heard anything, and........yes! I got approved!!! Now the really hard stuff begins for real! I have already been watching what I am taking in and stopped drinking soda/caffine. But soon comes the week of liquids. I know that is going to be the hardest part of all of this. I can handle everything else. (at least that's what I am telling myself!) Well.... for now I will sign off, but remember You can do anything you set your mind to.


Jun 28, 2012

I deserve a round of applause,  I went tothe store just a few minutes ago because my kids and husband wanted to get some ice cream. And I resisted the rurge to get some for myself. And I really wanted to get some! When it is hot like it is now, something cold always sounds good. But I will drink my ice tea and water and be happy with them. I can't give in to every little craving, that's part of what got me in this mess of fatness I call skin. (Sorry, I am so blunt, but I am fat, not over weight!) But the point is that I said no to ice cream which for me is hard.

Now that I know it has been summitted to insurance I now have to wait for the approval. THIS IS KILLING ME!!!! I talked with my nurse (through my insurance plan) yesterday and she said I should know within a week wheater or not I have been approved. I don't see a problem with it being approved, but you never know for sure until you get that letter or call.


I am still waiting

Jun 24, 2012

So, here it is Sunday the 24th day of June 2012 and I am still waiting to hear whether or not it has been sent to insurance. THIS IS SO HARDDDDD! I want to know so bad.

Waiting is frustrating!

Mar 15, 2012

I attended my seminar on Feburary 8th, 2012. And then had my Consulation on the 22nd of Feb. Now I am playing the waiting game. I had all my paperwork in line and mailed to the surgeons office before the consultation. I was ready! I thought this would help move the process along. At least I thought it would. Here it is, the middle of March and still no news. I have been in close contact with my surgeon's office, but I found out they just sent it off for approval from insurance. So I am waiting!! I wish this would move along quicker. It just seems like it is taking forever.

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Mar 12, 2012
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