Exciting Week!!

Aug 14, 2009

On Monday 8/10 I had my consultation with Dr. Rawlins, my insurance requires that everything be done before consult so it was more of a yea or nay appt.  He was as wonderful as everyone has told me he is, so laid back!

Long story short, he said I would be an excellent candidate, but that I had to be careful because his surgical staff might not like my size!!! (I'm a lightweight, BMI 40.7) He said that I'm dangerously close in size to many of them, we'll see how that goes, I can't wait!

My insurance was phenomenally fast at approving my consult so I hoped they would be the same way with approving the surgery. Needless to say they did not disappoint, I had my approval letter on Wed 8/12.......two freaking days!! I'm feeling a little bit better about my insurance premiums now. I'm approved, I'm approved!!!!!

Now I'm just waiting on a date!!!!!!  Losers bench here I come.


First Blog

Apr 24, 2009

Well, I never really planned on blogging, but I love reading others blogs and it seems like the best way to document my journey, so here goes.

I just had my 4th weigh in a few days ago, only 2 left to go. These weigh-ins make me nervous, I know my insurance's requirements (PHCO) but I've gained a few since I started and it makes me wonder what the surgeon will think.  I am truly doing everything I'm supposed to, keeping my cals around 1600, getting my exercise, yet the numbers crawl up about a pound a month. I'm so frustrated, but it does help convince me that weight loss is a lost cause for me without surgical intervention.

I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroid, and I take meds that cause weight gain. My doctor assures me that this is why I'm not losing, but it seems like such a cop-out, I'm not the kind to make excuses for myself. I strive hard to succeed in all I do and this is driving me nuts. I'm hoping the insurance approves me, my BMI is now 40.7, was 40.2 when I started the 6-month plan. My only comorbidities are PCOS(including insulin resistance), pain and arthritis in my feet (sheesh, I'm only 27), incontinence, lower back pain (I have mild scoliosis and extra weight makes it worse), and self-diagnosed GERD. I need to get my MD to document that last one. 

Well I guess that's enough for my first post. Hopefully I'll be able to be consistent and keep this blog up.
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About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2009
Member Since

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