Samuel Martino

"very responsive to needs of obese patients. very supportive towards recommending weight surgery or assisting with follow-up documentation needed for reconstructive plastic surgery"

Michel Murr

"My first impression of Dr. Murr is that he is very serious in tone. He wants to make sure that you understand the implications of this surgery and that there is a risk of death as the worst possible outcome. It was scary hearing him say that but not something that I was unaware of. I told him that I understood this and that I was willing to take that risk for the sake of having a better lifestyle that the surgery and weight loss would bring. Since I have not really had much time during appointments to talk to him I can't really say I know him that well. I have read many good things about him as a surgeon and his previous patients that I have talked to at support group meetings all say that they were very pleased with him as a surgeon. And that he is very caring. Martha is the primary contact in his office staff. She is the bariatric coordinator and also hosts the support group meetings. She is very nice but also very busy. The best way to reach her is by email. She responds relatively quickly although she can be brief in her responses. I guess that's probably because she has alot to handle. Dr. Murr has a long waiting list of patients to see for the first time. I waited 7 months to see Dr. Murr for my first visit. The second visit with Dr. Murr did not get scheduled until I had seen the nutritionist, psychologist, and sleep doctor to determine if I have sleep apnea (which I do). When all those doctors had submitted their reports back to Dr. Murr, only then, did I get put on the list for the second appointments. Fortunately, that appointment came alot quicker than the first. As far as Dr. Murr's beside manner, I do not know this yet other than first impressions, but I do hear that he tries to visit each patient after surgery to see how they are doing and he does make himself relatively accessible through his assistant, Martha, for emergencies or questions post-op. I think that surgical competence, especially for this kind of surgery, is more important than bedside manner. I think Dr. Murr is both incredibly competent and caring about his patients. I think he just wants to make sure people know what they're getting themselves into. It's not for the weak of mind. I've heard that aftercare program is good at the hospital Dr. Murr performs the surgery, Tampa General Hospital. They have a great nutritionist on staff, Jennifer Broder, who visits each post-op patient to discuss nutrition plan and suggested foods post-op. She is very friendly and helpful. "
About Me
Seffner, FL
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2002
Member Since
