Jaime Ponce

"• What was your first impression of him/her? I liked him a lot. rn• How did your impression change over time? So far, no change.rn• How would you describe his/her office staff? Not impressed. They are not as good as he is. I’m surprised his office staff is as unprofessional as they are. He is such a top-notch surgeon. I’m still scratching my head over that.???rn• What did you like least about him/her? I like his reputation and knowledge about the Lap-Band procedure. rn• What should future patients know about him/her? He is very quick and to the point. Make sure to have your questions ahead of time or the appointment will go by so quick that you will soon realize that you didn’t get all the information you wanted.rn• How much does he/she emphasize aftercare? He didn’t emphasize aftercare a lot, but the program through his office did.rn• Does he/she have a structured aftercare program? Yesrn• How did he/she address the risks of surgery? Up front but very reassuring. rn• How would you rate him/her overall? I would give him a 8 with 10 being the highest. rn• Which is better, surgical competence, bedside manner, or are both great? Surgical Competence is #1 but bedside manner helps. Dr. Ponce has a balance of both.rn rn"

Memorial Hospital

"Memorial Hospital is effecient, organized, clean, well-managed, state-of-the-art. I can't say enough good things about it."
About Me
Sep 23, 2006
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