Ix-nay on the ish-fay

Dec 25, 2007

Well, Ive lost about 60 pounds since my surgery 3 1/2 months ago.  Have I mentioned how much better Im feeling?  I catch myself saying that I feel "tons" better quite often and then smile to myself at the irony...

Im spending the holidays with my family in Alabama.  Had my second fill at the end of November and am amazed at how well its working.  I had been worried after my first fill when I realized I could nibble on a chicken nugget.  Now...no nuggets for me, thanks.  I tried to sample some of my step-mom's catfish.  Not such a wise move.  

Its Christmas day and Im pretty emotional about how much better I feel this Christmas as opposed to last. My three-year-old got a bike from Grandad and I was able to follow him down the road as he learned to ride it.  Last year I would have had to watch while someone else did that for me.

Its an absolutele blessing...and theres more to come.  

Right now...Ive been up since 5 a.m. and its nap time!

Hope all of you are well and happy and that 2008 brings you much happiness!

Two months later

Nov 01, 2007

Well, in a few days Ill celebrate my two-month post-op anniversary---50 pounds lighter!  I feel GREAT!  Any comments I would share with you at this point would be absolutely positive.  I have much more energy and a much better outlook overall. 

My mind's too busy...

Jul 21, 2007

Alright...where to begin?

My dad came to visit the other day.  Im trying to buy a house and he wanted to check it out.  Every visit with my dad since Ive been out on my own has somehow incorporated a "you need to lose that weight" chat.  This visit he asked how much I weigh.  When I told him to guess, he guessed, "Over 200?"  I wanted to crack up.  My dad is the smartest man in the world and surely he knows Im topping the scales at +300.  I find it difficult to believe he wanted to spare my feelings since he has to know that everytime he reminds me that Im fat (in what he perceives as a p.c. manner), it just about kills me.

Then theres Mom...God bless her heart.  During my recent divorce, she told me I needed to lose weight "or youll never find a man to help you raise John David."  Thanks, Mom.  

Neither of my parents are monsters, but they dont get it.  They just dont understand that if it were easy, no one would CHOOSE to be fat, at least not so fat that simple daily activities are a chore.

I meet my surgeon for the first time on August 8, 2007.  I should be relieved, and I suppose I am.  I mean...I can do this, right?  Lately, though, food has totally been my obsession.  Worse than ever.  Maybe thats normal.  And I think Ive mentioned this already, but Im so daggone afraid Ill fail.  Then what???  YIKES...

Ive spent most of my online time today looking at before/after pictures and trying to prepare myself for a REAL and TOTAL change...one I know Ill be happy with. 

About Me
Spring City, TN
Surgery Date
Aug 30, 2001
Member Since

Friends 5

Latest Blog 3
Ix-nay on the ish-fay
Two months later
My mind's too busy...
