11 Days out!

Jan 02, 2013

This surgery really isn't any more difficult to recover from than the C-Sections I have had...actually a little easier because this was done laparoscopically. 

My diarrhea ended on Saturday which was just one week out from surgery.  Yeah!   I did well up until this past Sunday night. It started with some acid reflux that evening which I took a calcium antacid chewable for that and that seemed to calm everything down. The next morning (New Years Eve) I took the mups at around 4 a.m. along with a protein drink . I was fine until about 8 a.m. and the acid reflux and burning began again. I tried the same method I had done the night before but that just seemed to prolong what was to come. Up to this time I had been having 1 bowl movement a day, but this particular morning I had 4 and with each one they were getting runnier with each one. By 10 a.m. I was throwing up so hard I was peeing all over myself...even after having just gone to the bathroom. When it happened a second time and the pain was now also in the stomach just above the naval I decided I better get some medical attention. My BF drove me to the emergency room where I spent 4 hours waiting to be seen in a waiting room and in that time wet and vomited myself again. I then spent 4 more hours in the Emergency Room where they pumped me with fluids through an IV and included medicine to stop the vomiting and the reflux as I threw up again when I walked to the room they showed me into. They did a CAT Scan and it showed that there were no leaks, but there was still a lot of gas inside me. They sent me home with prescriptions for the reflux and the medicine to stop vomiting. Tuesday morning I woke with a horrible sore throat. It seems I must have picked up something from someone else waiting in the emergency waiting room. There were many in there with some really bad colds by the sound of them. I ate a little oatmeal, about an ounce, took the mups and began sucking on a cold eeze. That over the counter drug is suppose to keep colds from being as bad or lasting as long. I spent that day eating just oatmeal and taking in liquids. I was using the oatmeal to absorb some of the cold eeze so that I wouldn't be sick again as it was making me queasy without it. I spent most of the day with the burning reflux still happening, but avoided throwing up with the prescriptions I was sent home with from the hospital. When I woke this morning at 4 a.m. my throat hurt really bad and it felt like it was literally closing up. I was barely able to swallow one swig of water to take the mups. Then out of the blue around 9:30 a.m. my throat stopped hurting the swelling seemed to vanish and the reflux was missing. I feel so much better today!  Since I am feeling better today, I think I will get started on my Vitamin regiment.  I still have a cold as I am sneezing lots now but it seems that the cold eeze is really working and making this cold stop nearly in its tracks. I have lost 11 lbs since 5 days before surgery. Overall I am very happy, just very uncomfortable for a few days recently. 


Diet begins!

Dec 13, 2012

As the title says today I start my diet.  These first two days aren't really different from my normal diet.  Just protein minus the oatmeal in the morning.  Sunday will be the liquid diet.  That will probably be very interesting, lol.  My boyfriend will be coming with me next Thursday and he is getting the surgery done too.  I am excited, he is too, but with a lot of apprehension for him.  He actually is needing this surgery even more than I do because he is 5" 9' and weighs 298.  He has diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.  He is really struggling right now to get well so he can get the surgery too.  He has had a cold for 5 weeks now and been to a clinic and the ER over it.  Seems he has been fighting whooping cough.  I have been praying for him every day.  He is going with me regardless, whether he can get the surgery or not is dependent on him getting well before then.  We shall see.  Either way he will get it, right now is just a matter of when.


Obesity Tribulation

Nov 30, 2012

Like many others I have fought to contain my weight for years.  In my case, 36 years.  I am positive that hereditary genes are the cause.  My mother has been extremely obese since she had her first child...me.  That is when my battle began as well.  My sisters have the same problem and are even bigger than me, but they haven't dieted non stop like I have.

I have tried watching my own calorie intake, Weight Watchers, Nutri System, Jenny Craig, HCG, and a personal trainer with a high protein diet all done over extended amounts of time and they didn't help.  Well actually a few kept me maintained at my obese weight, but none actually helped me lose weight.  I thought for sure the HCG would work because it was only 500 calories, but it didn't. 

I have had my thyroid checked through blood work and that doesn't seem to be an issue.  No one seems to know why my metabolism is so slow.  Working out didn't increase it either.

So my journey begins this month (December) on the 22nd 2013.  I researched all the WLS and decided on the DS with Dr. Aceves in Mexicali.  I feel like if I am going to do this, I will get it done right the first time and take no chances of having to get a revision done.  Besides the fact incisions are made and you are put under, cost is a factor.  I know I can't afford more than one surgery.  I am hoping the mal-absorption will compensate for my slow metabolism. 

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