Where do I begin? I guess like everyone else I was overweight my whole life. I have lost and gained, tried every diet under the sun, you name it. I toyed with the idea of WLS for several years before finally deciding it was what I needed to do in my life. I had my surgery on 3/24/09 and so far so good. I will not lie, being an ER nurse and knowing about complications that my arise from this surgery, I still live in fear of "what might be". I just know that I would wind up with all the co- morbidities that my mother had prior to her WLS in 2008, and I didn't want to wait until I was so sick that recovery would be made difficult. I am enjoying learning about this site and the support and wisdom of those that have gone before. Hopefully I will do better about updating and maybe I will eventually learn how to actually blog with the best of 'em.

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 17, 2008
Member Since

Friends 19
