I am 43 years old and just moved to SC a few months ago. I am at the heaviest weight I have ever been in my life. Physically I am shot. Emotionally I am hanging by a thin thread with a break in it. All of this centers around my weight. I have been heavy since I was young. I have run the whole gamut of diets, shots, doctors, etc. I have lost up to 70 lbs. only to gain 80 back. You know the yo-yo stuff. I have tried most every gimmick, every diet pill, wrapped my butt in cellophane to lose weight, etc. I know you've done the same or at least thought about it.

 Recently, I have become more depressed with my weight than I have ever been. I don't seem to be able to even do the basic things without being tired, hurting or out of breath. It's not supposed to be that way at my age. I also do not want my children to be ashamed of me. I feel like everywhere I go, people stare. I feel like they watch what I eat. Ridiculous I know, but I still feel that way.

I have done a lot of research on WLS and I have decided that this IS for me to do. I have to make some serious lifestyle changes. I do not want to be having my will read at 44. I am too young not to enjoy the rest of my years normally. Not riding through Walmart in the little handicap carts. I am going to attend a couple of seminars here in the area and decide on a surgeon. Anyone knowing anything about Meidcare or Humana Gold, please let me know as well.

 Hmmm...day one of this journey begins now!

About Me
Mauldin, SC
May 14, 2007
Member Since

Friends 5
