My story is a very long one.  I will try to make it as simple as possible.  My journey to WLS has been  dragged out for years.  I have been attempting this for 6 years and finally succeeded.  My health and insurance has been the biggest problem for me.  First I was denied by insurance several times then my health started going down hill.  When I finally found an insurance that would cover the surgery, then my health wouldnt allow it.  It started with a cardiac clearance for the surgery that did not go very well.  I ended up having a triple by-pass  in May of 2007.   Well after that I just knew that I wasnt going to be able to have WLS.  But I figured I would try to pursue it anyway.  So after many months of healing and praying, I was finally approved for WLS.  I am currently 1 week post-op so my journey is just beginning.  I will keep you posted!!!

About Me
Cincinnati, OH
Oct 28, 2004
Member Since
