I have been overweight forever!  Maybe not by much since I am more on the muscular side.  I work out and walk on my treadmill.  The lightest I remember being was 98 lbs when I was in 9th grade.  I got an infection that caused rapid weight loss.  I was down for the count for 3 months.  I went from 140 lbs to 98 and was very weak.  After taking meds and vitamins I got better.  I was never able to maintain a weight less than 160 lbs.  I had two children when I was in my 20's.  Since my pregnancies, my weight just keeps increasing.  I have tried weight watchers and many other diets including many many diet pills.  They worked in the short term, but eventually gained the weight back plus much more.  I currenly have a BMI of 35 and have many health issues.  I am hoping to have the surgery by November of this year.  I have a consultation with my surgeon in August.  I will be 41 this summer and fear if I don't have the surgery that the many health risks in my family will catch up with me.  I want to be healthy and happy and enjoy doing things.  Right now I am not happy with the way I look and I am tired of sick and tired all the time.

About Me
May 23, 2007
Member Since
