The First Step, on the Journey to... a Healthier Me

Mar 04, 2011

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Food addiction is characterized by compulsive eating and an obsession with weight and body image.  Persons with a food addiction display an obsession with, and craving for, food and eating, a preoccupation with finding sources of food associated with pleasure and comfort, a compulsive cycle of eating, and the lack of an ability to stop abusing food.

Signs of a food addiction and compulsive eating include:

• Preoccupation with body weight and food.
• Eating to relieve worry or stress.
• Continuing to eat even after feeling sick from eating too much.
• Becoming anxious while eating.
• Daydreaming or worrying while eating.
• Depression or mood swings
• Eating too fast and overeating.
• Eating everything on the plate.
• Feeling guilty when you eat.
• Eating much more rapidly than normal
• Eating alone due to shame and embarrassment
• Cannot eat one cookie, or any treat that you really like.
• Binging after a diet.
• Awareness that eating patterns are abnormal
• History of weight fluctuations
• Withdrawal from activities because of embarrassment about weight
• History of many different unsuccessful diets

I don't think that people believe that food can be addicting.. but why not? For some people, food is just that... FOOD; something you need to survive but for others, it is a source of comfort. It grants them a feeling of safety and sometimes even love. It gives them a good feeling.. like drugs or alcohol would for an alcoholic or a drug addict. It can be addicting... just like many other things.

And for me... food is my addiction. It has been for years, since I was a child. I have always been bigger but we all know that children of all ages are vicious. Through the years, the addiction grew worse and worse... food became a comfort and for a very long time, it was my only comfort.

My story is hard... and my story is long.. but it is meant to be told another time. I am here for one.. no two reasons...

1) Lose weight to get healthier.

2) To finally be happy with myself and my body.


I am currently 386 lbs. I am going to a nutritionist soon.. and she will help me start my journey. This journey, this road is just as hard and long as the one that got me here... maybe harder... but it will be worth it.

It's time.

Time for change.


About Me
Elkton, MD
Mar 04, 2011
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