Weighed myself today

Sep 06, 2007

Today I weighed myself at 256lbs. Getting closer. So tired right now that I can't really write much. But wanted to post my new ticker.http://www.TickerFactory.com/weight-loss/ws8afEs/">

Kickin' it in to gear

Aug 29, 2007

Well it's 8 months since surgery and I am down to 358. I have stalled a little in my weight loss on the scale but my measurements continue to go down and I feel much healthier. I have been riding my bike a lot and I found that I actually like it! Who would have guessed? I am losing more and more as time goes on and I am far from stopping now. My goal is 175. That's 83 more lbs to go. But considering that I am down a total of 107lbs that seems possible now. I weigh less now than when I got married! Crazy. I do have some hanging skin already that I didn't have at this weight before. I remember I would have been in shorts at this size last time I was there but my knees are looking so chubby that I am uncomfortable in them. A small price to pay I know but it is still somewhat disturbing. I have made a lot of new friends in the process and I'm having a great time traveling. I even went on some rides with the kids at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. I never would have fit last year. Wish me luck on the next portion of the journey. - Talk to you all soon

Didn't Make It

Jun 27, 2007

Well, It's officially six months since surgery and I didn't make my 100 lb mark. I know it was from snacking and not exercising enough. I am down to 271, Down from 365 post surgery. That makes 94 lbs. If I go from the surgery day where I weighed 340, I am only down 69 pounds. I need to kick myself into gear and get going. Got to get back to the rules that helped me in the beginning.

Keeping it up... (or down as the case may be)

May 26, 2007

Well, it has been almost 5 months since surgery. I am down to 278.  From 360 preop. Down 82lbs and only 18 pounds away from my goal of 100lbs lost in 6 months. I know part of the reason why I haven't made it yet is that I have let work get in the way of my new healthy lifestyle and I have not made it to the gym on any kind of regular basis. I need to get myself back on track and make exercise a regular part of my life. I don't want to get back to where I was. I have another hundred pounds to lose at the least and in order to do that I need to buck up and get down to it!! Thanks to all of my WLS friends in my support group. If I can give anyone advise on things to do it would be to get into a regular support group where you can get feedback from others on the same journey and see their successes and trials so that you can learn from them as well. I can't wait to see where this incredible journey leads us all!!


Mar 09, 2007

Well I have dropped below the 300lb mark! I am so excited. This morning I weighed in at 296. I haven't been under 300lbs in a long time. I was starting to worry because I am able to eat a little more than I have before and that scared me a little. I can probably eat about a cup of food. Maybe a cup and a half depending on consistency. I started working out again. Went back to Curves and it was so much easier without that extra 65lbs. Can't wait to see the changes.

Doing better

Feb 24, 2007

Wow it's been just over two months since my surgery. I feel fantastic. What a difference a month makes. I can eat well now. I eat a lot of scrambled eggs and refried beans. I can eat tuna, chicken, whole beans. I am a happy camper. I am down to 304 which is 62 lbs since the beginning of my journey. 42 since surgery. For all of those who are thinking about the surgery. You should do it. You will be so much happier.

Finding my way

Jan 08, 2007

Well, it's been almost two weeks since surgery and it is getting a little easier. I eat my protein bar or shake in the morning, have some cream of wheat or no sugar applesauce for lunch, a protein bar in the afternoon and usually some sugar free pudding and jello for dinner. I am getting my water in each day which has made such a difference in how I feel. I ate a couple things that I shouldn't have along the way and realized that there are reasons for the stages and decided to stop trying to figure my own way around and just follow the plan. I am not sure how much I am down, I am on vacation in Oregon and don't know where a scale is. I will be going home tonight so I will post my progress. Good luck to you all.


Jan 01, 2007

Well I have been home for four days now. I am having trouble sticking to the plan. There are so many temptations in the house to lead me away from what I am supposed to be having. I am getting cranky and really giving my husband a hard time. He has been so sweet though and understanding. The other day he came home with Taco Bell and I almost lost my mind. I am craving a taco and burritto so bad. I know I can't possibly eat that much now but it sounds soo good. I can't wait to get to stage three so I can at least have some whole food. Does anyone have any good stage two recipes that aren't soup?

Home from hospital

Dec 29, 2006

Hello again. I just came home from the hospital and I am doing very well. I had some Cream of Wheat today for the first time and it tasted so good. It was such a nice change. I am up to 343 from 340 but I think most of that is because of the fluid that was given to me in the hospital and I haven't had a bowel movement yet. My stomach is so full I am having difficulty getting all of my water in. This morning for breakfast I had some cottage cheese, I used a 1/4 measuring cup and I couldn't even finish the whole thing! Isn't that crazy! I would have had no problem finishing that whoe container before. Here's to a new life.

Surgery Date!

Nov 27, 2006

Well, I moved my appointment up to 11/14 and saw Dr. Legha. He said I'm doing great. Still only down 9.5lbs according to their scale. He said to keep doing what I am doing so I can get healthier before surgery. His assistant Susan scheduled me for 12/27/06. I am so excited. What a way to start the new year. She said there might be an issue with Healthnet although they said they would authorize anything scheduled before the end of the year. I will keep my fingers crossed!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 24, 2003
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Trying to smile through the tears

Friends 5

Latest Blog 11
Weighed myself today
Kickin' it in to gear
Didn't Make It
Keeping it up... (or down as the case may be)
Doing better
Finding my way
Home from hospital
Surgery Date!
