Not a Good Day ... Failed Stress Test

Mar 27, 2013

So I've been having some weird chest pains that come and go for the past few days. I made an appointment with a Cardiologist since my insurance does not require a referral. I wasn't sure if the chest pain was attributed to my anemia but just wanted to be sure. I have had 3 normal EKG's recently; one with my PCP, one as part of the Pre-Op testing at the hospital and today at the cardiologist. My Cardiologist had me also the Stress Test once I told him I had been submitted for WLS. The Stress Test showed ST Depression. My Cardiologist said that he's willing to bet money that it's a false positive but to be sure I also had an Echocardiogram today and will have the Nuclear Stress Test tomorrow morning. 

I should have the Echo results in a few days. He will be sending the results from all tests to my PCP and surgeon. Praying all is well and it is indeed a false positive. So glad I chose to have it checked out. I've not been approved for WLS yet, so if I need to delay surgery due to this complication, I'm fine with that! Better to find out now than in surgery where the potential for something to go wrong could occur. 


