RoseMarie Jones

"I had a Rou-n-y in April 2000 at St. Vincent Carmel, Dr. Rosemarie Jones was the sergeon. I have had luck with the weight loss however 4 days after my initial surgery I had to have emergency surgey cause one of the staples came out. Since then I was off work for 3 months, in & out of the hospital on a weekly bases, dehydrated, bleeding, my incision would not heal from the inside, it was just a number of things for ever. In 2007 I had to have a pic line put in & had a tmp for 3 months, one year later in 2008 I was throwing up blood & blood in my stool. I was admitted to St. Vincent early Sunday morning, when Dr. Jones came in on Monday morning she just look at me & said well, the blood is coming from some where so when you get insurance come back & we will figure out where it is coming from. WOW was that a way for a Dr. to talk or treat a patient? I ended up have several blood transfusion from a different Dr. at a different hospital they actually saved my life & I did not even have insurance. I have been diag. with Chirrosis of the liver & every other thing that goes along with it & 3 liver specialist & 2 other hospitalists told me I should of never had the surgery that was the reason that I have ended up with so much bad health. So even though I lost 225lbs. my life,health mental & physically are so much worse than I would of ever imagined. Dr. Jones & I had talked before & discussed that no other surgeon would touch me due to the way my stomach was/is & the complications that I have had & still she told me to come back whenever I had insurance. Im not sure about anyone else but it is almost impossible to get insurance if you have had bypass surgery, In 2011 I finally got Medicaid & when I called Dr. Jones she had moved her practice to another hospital & when I called I was told she does not take Medicaid. IMAGINE that. "
About Me
Nov 18, 2012
Member Since
