Hi I know I have been thinking about this for awhile and i am now just getting started on getting myself on the list. i have a wounder husband who is very supportive and two wounderful childeren when they want to be. I have one that is getting ready to 4 years old and my other one will be 15 months old. I have been over weight since i was 12 years old and it was hearing what people were saying about me and my mom. i just didn't know what to do and i got very depressed about it and felt like leaving the school and never comming back and kids are very mean to you when you are heavy. and it is not just the kids it is also there parents too. and it is very hard on you. and i worked and worked on my weight and tryed many veryations for dieting too. like jenny creig slimfast, nutrusystem, and many many more and it all ended the same way i always gained. then i gave up and just let me be me. then it came to high school. i had to drop the p.e. classes beacuse i had knee surgery and that didn't help because i knew i need thoughs class to help loose some weight. well i started to diet again and started to loose the weight again. then it came to my lsat year of high school and i got married for the first time and married a real mean person and his family was the same way even though his parents were on the heavy side. i was married for four years and finaly got away from him and found a new life with out him. then i started go to the gym and went back to work and was getting my life back on track and lost over 100 pounds in a year. for the first time in my life i was happy and i found new love and dated him for a while and now he is my hubby. we have been married for almost 7 years now. when i met my hubby i was 155 fit and worked out 5 days a week, he left and went i pack for 6 months. when he came home i weighed 280 my heavest i have ever been. he still married me that christmas of 98. well we started talking about haveing childeren with in a couple of years and i went back on dieting and lost 50 pounds and was happy about that and we found out that we were expecting our fist child. i was was so happy and then tragity stuck us at 57 days of life with him. it sent me into a major depression and i gain back and more after that. i knew something had to be done about my weight and i stuggled but i got down 60 pound and we found out the we were expecting again and it was going to be a struggle with my wieght and being a very high risk pregnancy and i made it to 33 weeks and one day my daughter was little but she was fine and she was only in the NICU for nine days. and i relized that i had to get my wieght down and i did it. it was a struggle to get down from 280 again but, i did it i got down to 225 in two years. then i went back to work and was doing go for a while still loosing the weight and then i had an accedent at work and fell and messed up my back and was laid up for a while, then hurrican ISIBEL came through that was a tuff time i had to find a new place to stay because we lost electricity for three weeks. then we found out that my husband was going to leave for six months to go and fight the war. They day he left i found out the i was three months pregnant for the third time and he wasn't going to be here and on top of that i was a high risk pregnancy so i gained and lost and we got through it my mom was able to take my daughter for two and half months until i delivered so i would not have that stress on me. we survied that. when i delivered my son i was not at my highest but i was up there and i tryed to loose the wieght ok course the yo-yo effect agian and i am here today to say it took me a while but i am here and i am happy that i am getting the surgery to help me out which will be better for me for the rest of my life because so of the risk factors that you can get when you are heavy run in my family like the cancers and i want to lesson my chances of getting thoughs and some of the other side effects.

I will post some more later.

September 13,2005

Well I feel bad. I am supposed to be at my 10 year high school reunion here on the 1st of October and I am not going. I really wanted to go but things just got in the way. Like no one to watch the kids hubby going to be gone for a few weeks and I realy don't have any family here on the east coast all of it is in Cali and I just did not want to try and fly by myself with a 15 month old and a 4 year. I have a hard time trying to get stuff done around the house with these too. And my 4 year started back to school so I did not want her to miss out on that. That is something she looks foward to doing everyday. I guess that I will have my 15 year to be looking foward to go to and the new body I will have to show off and look the way I did back then, I guess that would be something to look foward to do in 5 years from now. And the kids will be a little older so that she not be a big deal I just will have to plan a little better next time. Well I fell good right now I am moving up the list for the surgery still a ways to go but I will get there and I have lost a little bit of weight on my own and that is good for me to see also. Well it is getting later here so I will write some more at a later time. night for now.


September 20, 2005

Still just playing the waiting game and do all the things I need to do and going to all the meetings still and just waiting to hear what is going on with these doctors that are doing. not much to say this time will update later

October 2, 2005

i know i should be posting more. it has been so busy around my house lately. hubby has been gone for almost 3 1/2 weeks and will be home on the 7 and then turn aound and send him on his way again and will be gone until july or even longer who knows at this point in time. well just a few more labs and x-rays and ultra sound to do and i am still waiting to see the doc one on one and i found out that i should be moving to seeing him soon and then all i have to do is see the phsyic and the nutri and then i will be on my way it soon though.
i will update soon

October 21, 2005

sorry i have not been posting like i should be, but i do have some good news though no i do not have a date yet but i am almost have a one on one with the doctor. i have five more people in front of me that have not gone yet and they are waiting to hear from them first then it is my turn. and i have one thing to help me out at my doc one on one i am finnished with all my blood test and ultra sounds and exrays and ekg so far i am starting off on a good foot here. i will post more later.

November 19 2005

I know that I have not been posting much in the last couple of months. Well i have been moving and was getting ready to send hubby out agian for a while and was just having a hard time dealing with it and just need to get out with the kids and go to grandmas house for while to get the minds off of what was going on here. it has been heck here and now i have to change my daughter's school and we took one step back in potty training i knew that was comming though it always does when daddy leaves for a while. i am still waiting to see the doc one on one and i was told it is going to be a couple of months still and maybe surgry in april or may time frame still just right before hubby gets home. but it is getting late here and i need to get some sleep before my little one gets up.

will post later


 i know it has been a while since i did post last

i was told on the 15 of august that i have a surgery date and that was the 18 of september

post more later with new info

well september is here and i have only a few weeks to go and i am getting ready


here it is the mornin of the 18 of sept and i am on my way to the hospital for a few days a relax after the surgery and no one asking me to get them there breakfast or make me dinner or the other question is the house clean yet honey. hubby getts to do all that for the next two weeks at least i hope he will and at least feed the kids every now and then when they are hungry and get on off to school and take the other to speach threapy. i will talk to you all in a few days.

well here it is wednsday the 20 of sept i am out

well i got good news and bad new from the docs. they did the surgery but the found a hernia and they repaird it and it will talk a little longer to heal with that but that is ok it was nice and quite for a few days had a room to myself that was nice only had to hear my monators and that was ok with me it hardly went off for me. i had some of the nices nurses here at portsmouth. at least it was quite for a few days i cam home and it was like mommy was gone for ever with the kids. i got to see my son first and then hubby suprised our daughter by picking her up early and bring her home could have used those few exttra hours of quite time to my self. well have a dr appt in a few weeks and will post and let eveyone know what happend


well i am sorry i that i did not post after my dr appt. but here are some results that i did have. sorry so short but ealry in the morin here and just could not get any sleep. well i lost 17 pounds in 10 days starting to see the image change. well i have to go for right now my little man is up and have to put him back to bed. post more later


About Me
norfolk, VA
Surgery Date
Aug 12, 2005
Member Since
